Form is defi ned by as an external appearance of a clearly defi ned area, as distinguished from color or material; configuration; the shape of a thing or person. There are many forms that catch our attention daily; the form of butterfly wings in flight, or the form of shadows on the wall at night. We can think of the beauty and rarity of a butterfly. The metamorphosis that it goes through captures our attention and presents a sense of awe and wonder. In the darkness of night we can take our hands and form the shadows of bunnies, dogs and ducks; however, there is one form that captures our attention each and every day — the form of the human body. No two are alike. They are all exceptionally unique, priceless masterpieces. From the full and robust to the slender and sleek, there is an appeal to each form we pass and meet; the human form how wonderful indeed.08-22-12-visual-arts.gif

Artists are known for seeing with the eye and creating with the heart and the mind. Their work is manifested in many mediums — pictures, sculptures and interpretations of different forms. The Visual Arts Alliance has come together to present just that in their exhibition “The Human Form.” In this exhibition “artists will investigate all aspects of the human body,” says Dwight Smith, curator of the exhibit. Videos of the human body, and much more will be displayed as each artist takes the theme and interprets what it means to them.

“The Human Form” is a celebration of the human body. It speaks to the core of humankind displayed throughout time. It speaks to us. What form do we know better than our own? From the hands that touch and feel to the silhouette of a torso and wrinkles that line our faces revealing time’s passing, the human form captures it all.

“The Human Form” is the first group exhibition by the Visual Arts Alliance which includes: Fayetteville Sate University, Rose Gallery, Fayetteville Technical Community College, Cape Fear Studios, Methodist University, Old Town Gallery, The Arts Council Fayetteville/Cumberland County and the Fayetteville Art Guild. The alliance presents high-quality visual artwork and uses an idea and theme to further art education. Work from artists ages 18 years and older will be on display. The exhibit is formally set to open on Aug. 24, and will run until Sept. 22, at Gallery One13, which is located at 113 Gillespie Street. The gallery hours are: Friday and Saturday, noon to 4 p.m. An opening reception is scheduled for the fi rst night from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

When you awake in the morning and face the mirror you see a form which has changed over time; maybe you like what you see, maybe you don’t. Nevertheless, the image that stares back at you is a rare one-of-a-kind treasure. What’s seen on the outside does not compare to the greatness that lies within — systems and functions that consistently work together to support life. It’s amazing, and so is “The Human Form.”

Rekindle your relationship with wonderful you. Go to the exhibit and be inspired and reminded of the beauty of the human form. For all of our body’s frailties and fl aws there are numerous strengths and successes — and that is worth celebrating. For additional information on “The Human Form” exhibit call 223-2787.

Photo: “Backside” by Alexandra Bloch.