122309-hotel.jpgKudos to Fayetteville’s Fire Marshall Ron Lewis for the action he and his department took last week by safely evacuating residents from the neglected and potentially dangerous Prince Charles Hotel. This action demonstrates the concerns and sensitivities our city has toward Fayetteville residents and their well being.

This mandate was responsible, over due and somewhat heroic contrary to Chen’s claim that the evacuation was disrespectful to the Prince Charles inhabitants. What? Disrespectful?

Chen knowingly put dozens of innocent people in harm’s way since he was fi rst warned on Oct. 29 that the building had no less than 18 safety and fi re-code violations. He then intentionally ignored the city’s warnings and discounted their courtesy attempt of providing him ample time to correct the serious defi ciencies. Instead, he willingly chose to place dozens of men, women and children in harm’s way. Shame on you, John Chen.

Thumbing your nose at our local authorities, government leaders and agencies whose job it is to protect the health, safety and welfare of our residents is irresponsible. This total disregard of humanity does not sit well with a caring community working too hard to enhance its image and develop its brand of History, Heroes and Hometown Feeling.

We are a generous and forgiving community, Mr. Chen. However, three strikes and you're out. Counterfeit windows, illegal air conditioners, code violations and no building permits.

Hey, I think already you’ve been given one strike too many! Now, that’s generosity! And you boasting that you are going to bring the City of Fayetteville to its knees and “change our culture.” Well, I’ve got news for you, Chen, we are very well pleased with our culture whether you like it or not. So you better bring your A game to court. You saw how fast the Fayetteville community residents, churches and agencies responded to assist your refugees. That’s our culture, Mr Chen.

Your $1.9 million auctionblock bargain isn’t worth the lot it sits on without the respect and support of this community. Here in Fayetteville Mr. Chen, we take care of our own. Had you come into our community with respect and attempted to become a part of the city instead of doing it your own way, You, too, would have been counted in that number. But that wasn’t the case, and soon justice will take care of you.

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