07 anthony indraus Bb9jWuTMPUk unsplashA gubernatorial executive order that prohibited utility companies from charging late fees or disconnecting service for people who have not paid their bills expired at the end of July. Fayetteville’s Public Works Commission will automatically enroll customers with unpaid balances in six-month payment plans, starting with their August bills. Nearly 20 percent of PWC’s customers have past due balances. PWC estimates that it is carrying approximately $10 million of unpaid accounts. Gov. Cooper has emphasized that customers’ bills are not being forgiven under his executive orders.

“COVID-19 has impacted the Fayetteville area in ways we never imagined, and we appreciate those customers who have remained current or made partial payments over the past few months,” said PWC CEO David Trego.

Customers can visit Faypwc.com for more information about managing past due balances and how six-month payment plans are being applied. For specific account information, customers can log in to the PWC online account manager at faypwc.com or contact customer service at 910-483-1382.