Bruised, Bloodied and Battered Citizens Emerge From

the Horror of the 2014 Mid-Term Elections

Thank God, the election is over. Now, maybe, just maybe, the human race can try to return to some semblance of civility. Ugly, mean and with malice this no-holds barred assault on civility disguised as an election has bombarded, infuriated, depressed and turned off all Americans who dared turn to the media for news and information.

11-05-14-pub-notes.gifAfter months and months, this horrific behavior has solidified itself as the norm when participating in America’s free democracy. Did I say “free”? How free can it really be if running for any public office costs hundreds of thousands of dollars as well as your reputation and dignity?

My concern here is the effect this negative campaigning is having on our young people. Politics is not just an adult sport. Our children see the ads on television. They see the mailers sitting on kitchen tables before they are thrown into the garbage where they rightfully belong. What message are we sending them? At a time when we are trying to teach them about honesty, pride, charity and good character, we demonstrate and condone the opposite behavior.

When did we become such an intolerant “search-and-destroy” society? Unfortunately, more and more, this kind of behavior is permeating and consuming our Fayetteville and Cumberland County community. It has to stop!

When did exercising our constitutionally protected rights to free speech and opinion become the catalyst for assault and character assassination? Words have power. The way we wield them says a lot about who we are. The malicious attacks seen in this year’s election not based on ideology or issues, but rather about a candidate’s character, their families and their businesses have gone far beyond the pale. There are no innocent parties in this year’s election debacle. There are no good guys.

As long as we allow this negativity and character assassination to prevail in our community, all of the mentoring programs, community organizations and anti-bullying programs will be for naught. Life lessons are most effectively learned by example, and the example set during this year’s campaign taught our children that it’s okay to lie, to bully and to harass those who don’t agree with you.

I will leave you with this thought: In North Carolina, the slander campaigns on behalf of Kay Hagen and Thom Tillis exceeded $100,000,000. Can you imagine what kind of impact that kind of money would have if spent on developing North Carolina’s young people?

Ask yourself these questions: Do we have the best government money can buy? And, who are the only people who can change it?

Thank you for reading Up & Coming Weekly.

Photos: Over the past decade, the tone of campaigning has taken a nasty turn. That was seen clearly in the Senate campaigns of Kay Hagan and Thom Tillis, which  cost more than $100,000,000. As Americans, we have to ask ourselves: Are these the people we really want making decisions for us?