02Dilemma  It doesn’t make any difference whether you are white, black, Hispanic, Asian, gay, straight, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or a young budding snowflake, you should be aware and concerned that our government at all levels is spiraling out of control.

From wasting tens of millions of dollars on futile investigations and Russian collusion theories to the threat of another government shutdown to ignoring our nation’s commitment to the safety and security of its citizens by refusing to secure our southern borders, we are in a tailspin.

And now, we face the Green New Deal with its socialist agenda and concerns over the first world’s carbon footprint and its toxic effect on the survival of our planet. It’s crazy!

We have a government that’s full of radical assumptions, accusations and condemnations yet void of solutions or concrete plans to accomplish anything. No answers, no remedies and no leadership.

When did pettiness, jealousy and greed take priority over fairness, decency and the overall welfare of humanity? When did government start defending lawlessness, condemning and penalizing success, rewarding criminals and passing state laws that allow a child to be born only to have its life terminated on its birthday? This is sad, scary and true.

It’s the age-old good versus evil dilemma, and it looks like evil is the predominant influence. We see this trend of nonproductive, negative behavior at all levels of government.

It’s sad but not hopeless. Americans are sensible and passionate human beings. We are and will continue to be the leaders of the free world. I’m confident that at some point someone will step up in a leadership position that will get our priorities back in line so the generations that follow can enjoy the American dream — not the nightmare that is forming today.

Let’s all hope that logic and civility will prevail and become our highest priorities so that in the end, we may again enjoy a less contentious way of American life.

Thank you for reading Up & Coming Weekly.