07 BibleReflecting on the events and conversations of the past few weeks, I have to admit I am unable to make sense of most of it. And, I realize what I have to do is look beyond what I can see, and listen beyond what I can hear. I have to look and listen for God.

As Jesus reminded us to not be be anxious over what we see and hear, what we have or lack, what we know and don't know, he said this, as recorded in Matthew 6:33:

“...seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

You catch that? As we seek the Lord first, his wisdom and understanding pour over us with real freedom to follow his plan and purpose for our lives. In1 Corinthians 1:25, it says this:

"For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men."

That's what we need. The wisdom of God. The strength of God. The freedom that is greater than anything in our Constitution and beyond the liberty afforded us by any amendment.

When we seek and enter the presence of God, we'll find the peace we've been seeking all along. And as we acknowledge his presence we'll see more clearly that he is what we really need.

I see our national condition as the result of a systematic removal of absolute truth from the laws by which we govern and a shifting moral base. You and I need to cry out to God. We need to ask God to step in. We need to start or rebuild the relationship and acknowledge he is our Father, our Abba Father, our Daddy.

Gone is the time for demanding our rights as citizens of this nation more loudly than we proclaim and present Jesus to a world that needs him.

Gone is the time to just say we love Jesus without loving others.

Now is the time we need to come together, lock arms and pull together for what the Gospel really is: the true story of God's love and collective plan for us without regard for the color of our skin, the country we were born in or what denomination we prefer when we go to church.

America needs Jesus.

China needs Jesus.

Russia, Mexico and Sudan need Jesus.

The world needs to know the truth about God and find the peace only he can give in the midst of this and any storm. He is truth. He is justice. And he is waiting.

Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand all.