04 PoliticianSpeechWell, election day is over, and a hearty congratulations to all the winning candidates at all levels of government. Compared to other elections over the years, I guess you can say it's the best money can buy! Ridiculous amounts of money are poured into these elections, and make no mistake about it, it's to buy influence and power.

So, with that said, regardless of your political affiliation or whether your candidate won or lost, it's time to move on and get America on the right track for the sake of our children, grandchildren and future generations.

Unfortunately, America's political leadership at all levels is rendering us morally bankrupt. I appreciate all the comments and reactions I received from last week's editorial, "Have you no sense of decency?" It confirmed my pretense that as a nation, we are very aware that our overall morality has dipped substantially below what is deemed acceptable or civilized.

Politicians today treat honesty, integrity, truthfulness as virtues that are only mere suggestions in the game of life. Depending on the situation, our children are taught to engage these virtues with healthy skepticism as convenience options only if it's advantageous for personal gain. In other words, it's acceptable to steal, lie, cheat and commit crimes if you can justify it internally or financially afford it. This "fake it until you make it" style of morality eventually fails with devastating consequences.

In politics, the consequences of these character deficiencies are embarrassing for the candidate and devastating to the party. They also represent an insult to the American people at all levels of government. Again, this is an indictment of all political parties. This conspicuous and obnoxious behavior is motivated and initiated by excessive greed, money and power. And, in many cases, all three. It wouldn't surprise me if Wikipedia listed the definition of politician as “A person who displays conspicuous and obnoxious behavior usually motivated by excessive greed, money and power, or all three." It's a sad reality.

Now the election is over. Hopefully, we will be able to get our state and country on the right track. One thing is for sure; we will be able to recognize who will stand up for the American people and make them the highest priority. Sadly, we have just gone through nearly four years of embarrassing, disrespectful and severe disruption of the presidency and Americans have concerns and questions that need to be answered:

Will this kind of deploring behavior continue? Will America be safe from criminals? Will law and order be abandoned? Will the confidence of the FBI, CIA and NSA be restored? Will our government secure our borders? Will the new administration start looking out for all the American people's health and welfare? Let's hope so. The survival of our country as we know it will depend on it.

Right now, America is a country divided. I'm not referring to red states and blue states. I'm talking about patriotic Americans who fear our government is selling out our heritage and our nation for their personal gain. If this is not the case, then the new reigning administration should waste no time in assuring us of that. This would be the first step in healing and bringing this country back together. After four years of continual discourse and attacks on the president, the new administration has a beautiful opportunity to take specific and immediate action to do whatever needs to be done to make every American feel this is their country.

Again, congratulations to all the newly elected officials. Our weekly newspaper will continue to focus on and serve the Fayetteville, Fort Bragg and Cumberland County community with integrity, honesty and truthfulness. Let's encourage our leadership to do the same.

Thanks for reading Up & Coming Weekly.