American Friends of Lafayette to visit Fayetteville in 2025
- Details
- Tuesday, 11 June 2024
- Written by Tracey Morrison and Aly Hansen

On March 4 and 5, 2025, Fayetteville will celebrate the 200th anniversary of Gilbert du Motier, the Marquis de Lafayette's visit to the city. The American Friends of Lafayette, based in Gaithersburg, Maryland, is coordinating the bicentennial and recognized Fayetteville as a premier bicentennial site. The celebration will be both fun and educational, with symbolic connections to the past. This event is part of the national bicentennial celebration of Lafayette's "Farewell Tour" of the United States in 1824–1825 in Fayetteville, creating an immersive living history experience that will educate visitors about Lafayette's historical significance.
The City Center Gallery and Books, a local bookstore, is a key partner in the bicentennial celebration. In honor of the bicentennial site, they have calendars highlighting other locations throughout the tour.
"It's a 13-month tour. The celebration is expected to start in August in New York," shared Diane Parfitt, the City Center Gallery and Books co-owner. The bookstore also offers a wide selection of books about Lafayette, providing visitors with the opportunity to learn more about Lafayette's life and legacy.
Fayetteville, the first city named after Lafayette in 1783, holds a significant place in history. Lafayette, a French nobleman who fought for American freedom during the Revolutionary War, left an indelible mark on our city. Gen. George Washington awarded him a command, which influenced Louis XVI of France to ally with America. Lafayette led the Continental Army in the Virginia Campaign and played a pivotal role in the Siege of Yorktown. After returning to France, he drafted legislation in the National Assembly guaranteeing citizens' rights to Protestants and free black men. Lafayette remained a steadfast opponent of slavery and believed in full rights for all men, regardless of color. His visit to Fayetteville is a testament to our shared history and values.
"There is no more important location than Fayetteville, North Carolina. We expect thousands to descend upon Fayetteville for the purpose of commemorating, celebrating, and educating," Chuck Schwam, AFL Chief Operating Officer, shared in a press release.
As part of the upcoming celebrations, the Lafayette Society of Fayetteville will be holding two creativity contests throughout 2024. Aspiring Fayetteville based poets are asked to write poems, 25 lines or less, inspired by Lafayette’s principles. He espoused the ideals of liberty, human rights, equality, religious tolerance and the abolition of slavery. There is one entry per author, and online entries are welcomed through the Lafayette Society website at Cash prizes will be awarded.
All poems will be judged anonymously and must be written in English. The deadline for submission is Dec. 1, 2024. Winners will be invited to perform their original works at the 2025 Lafayette Bicentennial Luncheon on March 2, 2025. For more information, email
The second contest is visually driven. Enthusiastic filmmakers are encouraged to create a short film under 4 minutes long inspired by Lafayette’s ideals. The rating should be PG-13 or lower. All video, music and lyrics must be the work of the video artists and producers. The submission must be hosted on YouTube, and the submission deadline is also Dec. 1, 2024.
Both competitions are open to Cumberland County and Fort Liberty residents and students.
“We hope to get a diverse array of entries from the young, the old, and everyone in between,” said Christopher Thrasher, Lafayette Society board member.
“I can't wait to see the wonderful ways that people will use new ideas and new technologies to bring Lafayette's enduring values into the twenty-first century. Lafayette's ideas are old, but they are as relevant today as they were when he visited our city almost two hundred years ago,” he said.
“I hope that these contests will help the community feel connected to their past and to each other. Fayetteville is not just any city. Fayetteville is The All America City and there are few things more American than Lafayette's key values of liberty, human rights, and equality. Many things divide us, but Lafayette's values can help bring us together.”
More information and rules regarding these contests can be found on the Lafayette Society website.
The Lafayette Society, founded by the late Martha Duell, plays a crucial role in preserving the history of Lafayette. Fayetteville local and former Lafayette Society President Dr. Hank Parfitt chairs the Lafayette Bicentennial Celebration Tour for Fayetteville. Now under its current president, Dr. Gwen Melton, the Lafayette Society remains steadfast in recognizing the contributions of Lafayette to America's freedom, promoting his generosity, patriotism, leadership, opposition to slavery, and support for human rights.
The society also funds over $50,000 in endowment funds at Fayetteville State University to support the study of "the Age of Revolutions, Emancipation, and Civil Rights."
This supports the Lafayette Lecture Series every February and helps fund other activities for the Black History Scholars Association. Additionally, they offer online lectures.
Some of the society's highlighted achievements to commemorate Lafayette's legacy include the establishment of the Lafayette Leadership Medal. Top graduates of the Master Leader Course at the Non-commissioned Officers Academy at Ft. Liberty receive this prestigious award for their exceptional leadership and service in the spirit of Lafayette.
The society also supports leadership programs at Methodist University, Fayetteville Technical Community College, as well as partnerships with Fayetteville's local higher education institutions to provide quality educational opportunities.
As evident through history, the Marquis de Lafayette made many contributions. In return, the Lafayette Society of Fayetteville puts much effort into preserving and perpetuating Lafayette's legacy.
To stay informed and learn more about the Bicentennial Celebration tour in Fayetteville, visit the City Center Gallery and Books at 112 Hay Street, Fayetteville, or call 910-678-8899. Readers can also visit
(Photo: City Center Gallery and Books has Marquis de Lafayette merchandise in honor of the 200th Anniversary of his Farewell Tour. Locals Hank and Diane Parfitt own the shop. Hank is the chair of the Lafayette Bicentennial Celebration Tour. Photo by Tracey Morrison)