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Wana Navu Kava Bar, situated at 500 N. Reilly Road, is celebrating their one-year anniversary.
This unique establishment, owned by Casey and Chole Benhaim, stands out from typical bars due to its emphasis on kava. Kava forms the core ingredient of most of their beverages. To gain a deeper understanding of kava, we spoke with owner Chole.

“Kava is a plant. The roots of the kava plant are ground up, strained, mixed with water and consumed for ceremonial and recreational purposes. Kava is found in the South Pacific islands including Fiji, Vanuatu and Hawaii.”

In the past, Pacific Islander communities would typically crush, chew and grind the root and stump of the shrub. They would then soak it in cold water, creating a beverage that was used during ceremonies and cultural practices. These rituals were believed to enhance the connections between different groups, reaffirm social standing, and facilitate communication with spirits.

“We offer kava, freshly strained, on draft and mocktails, a variety of botanical elixirs and locally sourced kombucha, coffee and tea. Our drinks are crafted with care, using only the freshest ingredients. We offer a variety of all-natural, non-alcoholic beverages made from the earth to help you relax and rejuvenate” Chole went on to say.

The Benhaims are convinced that their success over the past year can be attributed to their distinctive menu and philosophy.

They firmly believe that the combination of these factors has set them apart from their competitors.

“Our philosophy is to be an establishment that allows people to come in and relax, socialize, and access an alternative to alcohol. We're the only establishment in Fayetteville that offers an alternative to alcohol and still has a ‘bar’ feel plus we have many weekly/monthly events for kids and adults alike.”

Wana Navu is also grateful for the tremendous support shown by the residents of Fayetteville over the past year.

“We're amazed at how accepting Fayetteville has been! We have been welcomed with open arms and we love that we're able to provide an environment that allows people to “party like it's 1999” without alcohol!”
In celebration of their first year, they will be hosting an anniversary celebration on the 13th of January.

Experience unlimited kava for just $10 throughout the entire day, accompanied by live music from 2 p.m. until midnight.

Indulge in delicious food, engage in fun games, and enjoy a discount of $2 on specialty drinks.

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