18Are you ready to join the fun at the color run? Sign up today for the 4th annual FTCC Trojan 5K Color Run on Saturday, Oct. 12, on the Fayetteville campus of Fayetteville Technical Community College. Proceeds from the Trojan Color Run benefit scholarships at FTCC. This event is presented by Mercedes-Benz of Fayetteville.
The FTCC Trojan Color Run is a fun event for serious runners and casual walkers. It is a celebration of life and happiness and supporting a worthy cause. What makes it unique from other races is that the participants start the race wearing clean white shirts and end the race covered in a rainbow of color powder. Creativity is encouraged and fun costumes are welcome. It’s all part of the fun!
The color powder is a mix of food-grade corn starch and color dyes. While the powder is nontoxic, those with respiratory concerns and young children should avoid breathing it in.
On the day of the race, check-in begins at 9 a.m. behind the Tony Rand Student Center. The party begins at 9:30 a.m. with the opening ceremony with music, dancing, and a warm-up on the big stage.
The race starts at 10 a.m. with the runners first, followed by the walkers and strollers. The race takes you across FTCC’s beautiful campus including the Camellia Trails, fountains, and the Rose Garden. There will be two routes available – a 5K run and a fun walk, appropriate for families with strollers.
Volunteers will be along the route cheering on the participants, ringing cowbells, and blowing bubbles. Hydrate yourself at one of the water stations and run through the rainbow at six color stations. You have the option of bypassing the color stations if being covered in color powder is not your thing.
Several FTCC programs will be featured along the route including lineworker students sprinkling powder from the utility poles, music students performing in the Rose Garden, nursing students staffing the first aid tent, and fine arts students face painting at the after-party.
The party continues as you cross the finish line and receive your race medal. Join the after-party and celebrate with hundreds of your new friends in a rainbow cloud. Take selfies and stick around to enjoy music, dancing, and food, plus visit with health and fitness vendors.
Race shirts will be guaranteed for the first 500 registered participants who pick up their shirts during early packet pickup Oct. 8-11. On the day of the race, the participants will choose from the sizes available. Paid participants will receive a race shirt and bib. All finishers with a race bib will receive a medal.
It takes many volunteers to make the FTCC Trojan Color Run a success. Youth groups are welcome to volunteer with adult supervision. To volunteer as an individual or group, contact FTCC Foundation at 910-678-8441 to register.
Individual registration is $35 per person. For more information and to register to run or volunteer, visit runsignup.com/Race/NC/Fayetteville/FTCCTrojan5KRunWalk, scan the QR code, or call 910-678-8441.

(Photo: Runners participate in the FTCC Trojan Color Run in 2023. To register for the run, scan the QR code. Photo provided by FTCC)

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