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The Cool Spring Downtown District announces they have scheduled their traditional and new holiday decor and interactive features to be installed in multiple spaces around the district’s footprint on or around Nov. 15.

“Our downtown residents, visitors, and business owners can expect to find quite an array of magical ‘District Winterscapes,’ as we’re calling them, spread throughout downtown this holiday season,” CSDD’s CEO Bianca Shoneman shares.

“We’re especially excited to be one of the first places in the state to welcome three augmented reality stations, allowing visitors to engage on the street level with AR impressions, creating memories through science and digital art,” Shoneman elaborates.

CSDD is welcoming the immersive art of Robin Vuchnich, who will use projection mapping to illuminate the Self-Help building with larger-than-life holiday winterscapes.
According to CSDD, their District Winterscapes will include the following:

Twenty-Two-Foot Carolina Fir Holiday Tree
Location: 301 Hay Street
Designer: Mosca Design
Sponsors: Cool Spring Downtown District; Fayetteville-Cumberland Parks and Recreation

Holiday Alley
Location: 222 Hay Street
Designer: Downtown Safety and Engagement Ambassadors
Sponsors: Cool Spring Downtown District; Fayetteville-Cumberland Parks and Recreation
Augmented Reality Station A: “Jack Frost”
Location: 116 Green Street
Designer: NOVABY
Sponsors: Arts Council of Fayetteville/Cumberland County; Cape Fear Valley Health; Cool Spring Downtown District; Fayetteville Public Works Commission

Augmented Reality Station B: “Hanging with My Gnomes”
Location: 222 Hay Street
Designer: NOVABY
Sponsors: Arts Council of Fayetteville/Cumberland County; Cape Fear Valley Health; Cool Spring Downtown District; Fayetteville Public Works Commission

Augmented Reality Station C: “For the Trees”
Location: 318 Hay Street
Designer: NOVABY
Sponsors: Arts Council of Fayetteville/Cumberland County; Cape Fear Valley Health; Cool Spring Downtown District; Fayetteville Public Works Commission

Letters to Santa
Location: 222 Hay Street
Sponsors: A Bit of Carolina; Cool Spring Downtown District
Eleven "Winterscapes" in total can be seen throughout downtown Fayetteville. Shoneman shares that she and her staff recognize many people start shopping and seeking places to take holiday photos with family ahead of the season, a motivation to begin decking out downtown as early as mid-November. In fact, Fayetteville-Cumberland Parks and Recreation’s crew has already begun hanging the traditional holiday wreaths along downtown’s streets.

“Positioning our arts and entertainment district as a 'vibrant center of artistic, cultural, civic and commercial activity’ means our CSDD team is always exploring new ways to entice visitors here,” Shoneman explains. “This year, thanks to several generous sponsors of our District Winterscapes, we’re giving folks even more reasons to celebrate the season in Downtown Fayetteville.”

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