“The City is excited to issue this Notice of Funding Availability to local non-profits,” said Chris Cauley, Economic and Community Development Director.

“The Economic and Community Development Department funds non-profits to help address homelessness, mental health, youth engagement and violence interruptions in an equitable, transparent, competitive, process with limited amounts of Federal funding.”

“The Community Development Block Grant program provides annual grants on a formula basis to states, cities, and counties to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and suitable living environment and by expanding economic opportunities principally for low-moderate income persons. The program is authorized under Title 1 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-383 as amended 42 U.S. C. 5301 et seq. The program is designed to reinforce several important values and principles of community development……design and implement strategies to their priorities……consolidated plan……. technical assistance activities and set asides for grantees build capacity of these partners,” according to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.

“The 2024 Consolidated Plan has identified the following priorities. Economic Development Strategy- increase and promote job creation, job retention, self-sufficiency, education, job training, technical assistance, economic empowerment of low- and moderate-income residents of Fayetteville. Housing strategy- Improve, preserve, expand affordable housing inventory for low-and moderate-income families. Special Needs Strategy-Improve, preserve, and expand opportunities and services for persons with special needs and the disabled in Fayetteville.

"Community Development Strategy -Improve, preserve, and create new public and community facilities, infrastructures, and public services (limited to 15 percent) to ensure quality of life to all residents of Fayetteville. Homeless Strategy-Improve living conditions and services, increase housing availability for homeless persons and families in the City of Fayetteville and eliminate unfair housing practices that may lead to homelessness.

"The Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area-Special consideration and weighted allotment will be made for any programs or activities in the above categories designed to target Murchison Road NRSA and support the Murchison Choice Initiative, as this is a high priority for the City of Fayetteville” (NOFA – Fayetteville Economic and Community Development)

The approximate dollar amounts for Community Development Block Grant administration is $3,711,190: Public Services – $278,392, Non-Profit Capacity Building -$111.911, Neighborhood resources -$140,000, Rehabilitation-$654-458, Economic Development-$300,000, Home Administration-$112,128, Home, Affordable Housing Development- $1,912,772 HOPWA funds -Administration capped 3 percent -HOPWA-$834,891, HOPWA Administration- $25,821 and CDBG Rehabilitation – population-80 percent below AMI, elderly, disabled, experiencing emergent needs.

The City of Fayetteville has opened the application process for proposals for non-profits to address the specific priorities from the Consolidated Plan. Submit the proposal to www.FayettevilleNC.gov/ECD under What’s Happening. The deadline for receiving proposals is January 28, 2024, at 11:59. The funding year is July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025.

The Community Development Block Grant has a citizen public feedback component.

“In accordance with the City’s Citizen Participation Plan, the Economic and Community Development Department will solicit feedback for the 2024 Annual Action Plan which covers July 1,2024 to June 30,2025,” said Cauley.

Four public meetings will be starting Feb. 12, 2024. There is a thirty-day time limit for the review of drafts by the public after the public meetings. These will be held at Feb. 13, 2024, Massey Hill Recreation Center, 7 p.m.; Feb. 22, 2024, Smith Recreation Center, 6 p.m.; Feb. 28, 2024, Westover Recreation Center, 6 p.m.; and March 7, 2024, EE Miller Recreation Center, 7 p.m.

The City of Fayetteville strives to reflect transparency and opportunities for all citizens to provide feedback on the plan.

“Furthermore, residents that cannot attend any public meeting may submit written comments from Monday, Feb. 12 to March 15, 2024, at EconCommDev@FayettevilleNCgov” said Cauley.

The long-term overview of the Community Development Block Grant is:
1. Stakeholders Meeting and NOFA Release (November /December)

2. Proposal due for Community Partnerships – January 28, 2024

3. Draft Plan & Public Comment – February/March

4. Fayetteville Redevelopment Commission -March 2024

5. Council Work Session- April 2024

6. Council Approved -April 2024

7. Submit to HUD- May 2024

8. Fund Projects -July 2024

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