Fayetteville Logo Amendments to the city’s solid waste ordinance will be considered by the Fayetteville City Council on Monday, Jan. 9.
The council will meet at 5 p.m. at City Hall. At a Dec. 5 workshop meeting, the council asked the city staff to provide additional information on proposed amendments that address service limits, enforcement and other ordinance revisions.

The goal, according to the agenda for Monday’s meeting, is to “deliver consistent, predictable, financially responsible solid waste services that promote a safe, affordable, healthy and resilient community.”

Daniel Edwards, assistant director of public services who oversees the solid waste division, will speak to the council on topics including service limits of household carts, recycling carts, yard waste, limb pickup and service on private streets.

“That’s everything we’re going to talk about in a nutshell,” Edwards said.
Edwards said he will seek council members’ direction on solid waste issues.

“This is what we’ve been saying we need to do to be more efficient, better practices compared to peer cities," Edwards said.

“It’s basically just how many carts do we want to pick up from a household? How many carts we’re going to pick up for recycling? How many combinations of containerized material (do) we want to pick up for yard waste per household?” he said.

“For the private streets, the ability … to have a resident put that material on a regular street so we don’t have to go down some of these roads,” he added.

“That’s kind of where we’re going.”

Edwards said the last time the ordinance was amended was in 2013.

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