8aMinor League Baseball recently announced plans for a fundraising campaign during the 2023 season in support of the American Cancer Society. The “Hope At Bat” program will consist of four “Donation Days” across the country, where on-field performance by players will generate donations to the ACS.

The “Hope At Bat” campaign’s donation days will be on Mother’s Day (May 14), Father’s Day (June 18), the Fourth of July, and September 3.

On Mother’s Day, every strikeout in a MiLB game was worth $10 to the ACS as part of “Strike Out Breast Cancer Day” across the 60 MiLB games.

On Father’s Day (June 18), each home run hit in the 60 MiLB games will be worth $100 to the ACS as part of “Knocking Cancer Out of the Park Day” to fight prostate and colorectal cancer.

On the Fourth of July, every double hit in the Minor Leagues will be worth $50 to the ACS as part of “Doubling Down on Sun Safety Day.”

On September 3, MiLB clubs will join Major League Baseball clubs in support of Childhood Cancer Awareness Day. For every run scored in the Minor Leagues that day, MiLB will donate $15 to the ACS as part of “Give Every Child a Chance to Run Day.”

Woodpeckers fans can look forward to the home game on June 18 to cheer on the team as they play to raise money for the ACS.

For more than 100 years, the American Cancer Society has been improving the lives of people with cancer and their families as the only organization combating cancer through advocacy, research, and patient support. To learn more, visit cancer.org.

For more information about the Fayetteville Woodpeckers, please visit www.fayettevillewoodpeckers.com.

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