17The field of Information Technology is growing and evolving. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment, as many as 70,000 openings are projected every year. The job market is constantly growing.

Having an Information Technology knowledge base opens the door to pursue a vast number of different careers within the field. The demand for technology specialists is high, as new advancements are continually on the horizon and the financial reward is great.

Technology is becoming more and more prevalent in our lives, so why not become a part of helping to build and maintain it? The Information Technology PC Support & Services program at FTCC introduces students to just about all areas of the IT discipline.

Students take courses in networking, programming, and security with a focus on hardware and software. Students learn the necessary troubleshooting techniques to save the day when technology issues arise.

I am often asked about the math requirements for studying Information Technology, and my answer is always the same. Outside of the general education requirements all associate degree students must take, you don’t have to take another math class another day in your life unless you choose to do so.

The beauty of the field of IT is that there are many different areas you can study.

I also often hear from individuals who say that they do not like computers. When I ask them why, nine times out of 10 their answers include some level of being intimidated by computers. Working with computers is challenging, but I’m here to persuade you not to be intimated by computers. At Fayetteville Technical Community College, we’ll teach you everything you need to know to be successful, and I promise you that you will not be overwhelmed by math-related questions.

We have students from all walks of life who come to us to earn a skill and then go off to be successful in their careers. Whether you just graduated from high school, are coming back to school for a career change, or are not quite sure which direction to turn, you can find many program areas to choose from at FTCC.

We offer everything from certificate programs, which can be completed in one semester, to associate degree programs whose credits transfer to various four-year universities.

There is an expression, “money makes the world go ‘round.” Being an IT professional and educator, I’d like to add to that expression that it’s data that makes the money that makes the world go ‘round. You’ve also heard the expression, “the world runs on Dunkin” but in my view, the world runs on data.

Data molds everything we do, so it is vital that data be managed properly, kept secure, and made accessible. The Information Technology Database Management program at FTCC prepares graduates for this purpose. FTCC has avenues to make pursuing a 4-year degree with transfer of FTCC credits a seamless process.

For more information, please contact sobersto@faytechcc.edu or 910-678-7365.

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