6 Again, Rep. Richard Hudson attempts to convince the people of North Carolina that he actually works for the people of North Carolina, when reality is showing otherwise.

In 100 Days under the so-called leadership of Kevin McCarthy, the Republican Party claims accomplishments that in reality have barely gone beyond the U.S. House of Representatives.
Not one piece of legislation they have wasted time and millions of taxpayer dollars on has become law — not one. Only one bill managed to get through the Senate, where it was promptly vetoed by President Biden.

Are we missing something, Rep. Hudson?

Rep. Hudson claims they “defunded” the incoming new IRS hires meant to assist with taxpayers and to tighten up enforcement. According to recent articles in Washingtonexaminer.com and usnews.com, not only are new agents being hired, they are undergoing training now.

So, nothing has been defunded, Rep. Hudson. Soon, millionaires and billionaires will be paying their fair share of taxes whether you like it or not.

House Republicans, including Rep. Hudson, are trying to preach “fiscal responsibility” to the nation while, at the same time, are wasting MORE of our taxpayer dollars on frivolous investigations of the social platform Tik Tok, Hunter Biden, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. What are these “investigations” uncovering?

Now, McCarthy, Hudson, and the House GOP are attempting to hold the American economy hostage with a debt ceiling bill that does nothing but heap more misery on the American people.
President Biden made it clear in his State of the Union speech that Social Security and Medicare, two programs millions of Americans depend on, were off the table in regards to
budget cuts.

Obviously, House Republicans blatantly ignored that message. Not only are they callously targeting Social Security and Medicare, they're also targeting Medicaid, SNAP, and other vital programs.

And, House Republicans are aiming to cut veterans benefits.

Also, House Republicans have been posting their lies and rhetoric all over Twitter, claiming “This is for America.” Guess what? A most recent poll shows that American voters do not support this. So again, Rep. Hudson, who are you trying to fool?

One thing is certain: This bill will not go any further as written. The U.S. Senate has already declared it dead on arrival.

Now, Rep. Hudson, if you truly care about North Carolinians, especially our veterans, you and Kevin McCarthy will go back to the drawing board and deliver a clean debt ceiling bill. Now.

If America does go into default, a real possibility, then the consequences will be borne solely by the Republicans, not the Democrats, not By President Biden, and history will clearly show this.

So, if the Republican Party wants to test the will of the American voters, they had better be prepared for some bad news in 2024!

— Keith Ranson

Editor's note: Keith Ranson refers to a column by Rep. Richard Hudson appearing in the May 3 issue of Up & Coming Weekly. It can be read at www.upandcomingweekly.com/views/9735-republican-party-showing-results-in-congress.

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