Pub Pen 1The newly installed president of the Greater Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce, Nat Robertson, is wasting no time setting the course to make the “New” Fayetteville Chamber a tour de force advocacy for business in the Fayetteville/Cumberland County community.

Hitting the ground running, Robertson is revamping and overhauling Chamber programs to create more value for its members. He is developing new policies, streamlining operating procedures, and hiring competent staff who embrace the organization’s mission and have the skill sets and work ethic to create, implement and execute effective value-added programs for Chamber members.

In just weeks, the Chamber will relocate its Ray Avenue office to Bronco Square at 1047 Murchison Road, Suite 120, across from Fayetteville State University, putting Robertson on the fast track to turning the Chamber of Commerce into a relevant organization that supports local businesses by taking an active role in their success.

Vibrant businesses and healthy economic growth foster a vibrant city. Being the former Mayor of Fayetteville, Robertson knows the importance of competent and trustworthy leadership. He also understands that the Chamber of Commerce must actively recognize and nurture such leadership. This is why Robertson’s latest innovative program exemplifies its high priority on well-informed leadership.

That program is the Greater Fayetteville Chamber’s first Candidates Academy on July 29. For one day, the Chamber invites everyone seeking an elected office in Fayetteville to attend a free pre-election program to get “up close and personal” insights into the city’s operation, making them better-informed candidates.

Robertson has assembled an impressive and diverse faculty of a dozen local business, political and community leaders who will share their experience and knowledge of city government concepts and inner workings, including the realities of policymaking.

The topics being covered are as diverse as the facility itself. They include The Downtown District, City Wants vs. Needs, Economic Development, Public Utilities, Arts & Culture, Crime and Safety, and other topics that are vitally important to enhancing our quality of life and assuring that Fayetteville lives up to its reputation as an All America City.

According to Robertson, “I believe by educating the candidates before taking office, we have a better opportunity of them understanding exactly what we do, and why. Often after taking office, the candidate’s perspective changes … if we can have an honest exchange prior to that time, it may be beneficial for all the residents of Fayetteville.”

The Chamber will invite all the candidates filing for a municipal office in Fayetteville. Based on attendance, they may open it up to other Cumberland County municipalities if room allows.

The Chamber of Commerce will later host the Fayetteville Candidates Forum on Oct. 17. Many topics covered during the Academy will be presented as questions during the Forum.

Up & Coming Weekly supports and applauds Robertson’s efforts and the Chamber’s new, refreshing, long-overdue outlook on Fayetteville.

We desperately need competent leadership to move Fayetteville forward. For nearly a decade, our city has suffered from a deficit of municipal leadership plagued with ignorance, incompetence and many suspicious allegations of corruption.

Robertson’s commitment to the community and innovative programs like the Candidates Academy is what Fayetteville needs to attract and develop competent leadership, new businesses, and organizations to the Chamber of Commerce.

Keep your eye on Robertson and the “New” Greater Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce. Fayetteville and Cumberland County need a strong Chamber and competent leadership for a prosperous future. No doubt, we are moving in the right direction.

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