100 professional black men in black

Continuing the success of the 100 Professional Black Women in Black Photoshoot, community organizer Tiffany Campbell is at it again with the 100 Professional Black Men in Black photoshoot.

Taking place in downtown Fayetteville just like its predecessor, this event will gather local professionals, all dressed in black for a powerful photoshoot. This time, it will be professional black men in the spotlight. The historic event is set to take place on Feb. 10th from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Participants can start checking in at 1:45 p.m. at Segra Stadium.

There will be an opportunity for mixing and introductions until 2:15 p.m. when the first photo will take place. 100 Black Men in Black is sponsored by Fayetteville Observer, Brother Strong, Flip Flop Sauce, and Segra Stadium. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased online at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/100-professional-black-men-in-black-tickets-793832312817?aff=ebdssbdestsearch.

Campbell, a Youth Counselor Technician and owner of Elite Steps is excited to bring this opportunity to the black men of Fayetteville.



“This event is going to be epic. History is about to be made again. I expect a larger turnout since they know what the end goal is. I’m also excited for women to drop by with their sons, who don’t have male figures to attend with them, to be in a room full of professionals. I love that because due to my job I see many black young men in the system that lack male figures and they don’t always see professionals so they don’t think it’s a possibility,” she said about the event.

After 100 Professional Black Women in Black and its viral fame, Campbell didn’t want the men to think she had forgotten about them. They definitely weren’t an afterthought in her planning of these historic events.

“It was a thought as I planned the 100 Professional Black Women in Black but the true inspiration was when I saw the lingering effects of that photo shoot and the excitement of the men to have their own,” said Campbell.

100 Professional Black Men in Black is more than an event, it’s a movement. Campbell is inviting attendees to bring the young men in their lives, be they sons, nephews, or cousins, with them.

“It is extremely important for the boys to not only see it but interact so they understand that everyone has a story and being professional does not mean they don’t understand them. This gives them hope and shows them that dressing up makes you feel good - it's not a funeral or court. This will build self-esteem and hopefully help strive for greatness,” Campbell said of the importance of the event for the young men and boys in the community.

Campbell will need help the day of the photoshoot with the boys and young men who will be attending, saying, “I need men who are willing to help me look after boys whose mothers will be present but not in Segra Stadium with them ­— to look out for them while we walk. There is someone affiliated with me who is assisting parents who need assistance getting clothing for their children. I need for every child to feel their best and look their best. As we help many of them see something that is not common.”

The plans for the future are big for the founder and creator, saying, “The future is to create opportunities for us to network in hopes to create generational connections and enhance our culture. [To] create a space so that everyone can go to one place and see all we have to offer so we can support each other, collaborate and more than anything, create a safe space that’s full of love and a nurturing environment that promotes and prioritizes mental health.”

100 Professional Black Men in Black is sure to be revolutionary and conversation-starting, a catalyst for greater things. Those attending can use the hashtag #100BlkProMen to document the experience.

For more information about 100 Professional Black in Black, check out the Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/events/396077419545584?active_tab=about.

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