• 12 stuffAuthor's note: This column, written more than 30 years ago came back to mind when an old friend, getting ready to retire, described the agony and the joys of clearing out “his stuff.”

    The last box is on the curb.

    The house is empty and cold and dead. Next week it will be full again with other people’s lives. But we can never go back inside again to wander in the bookshelves, closets and attic. We will never smell the smells of hot meals on its stove, of warm, fresh clothes from its laundry room, of flowers from its garden, or of clean sheets mingled in the old blankets on its beds.

    It happens to all of us when we move after being in a house for a long time, but when our parents or grandparents move to a smaller home or die, it is more than just moving.
    It is clearing out. Clearing out the treasures. And the junk. Deciding what is what. Finding places for these newly orphaned things. Yesterday, they were secure in the loving possession of one whose love and memories surrounded them. Each one had its special place. Each was tied to precious people and events. Out of the house they must now go. And, without the protection of the ones who love them, they will be just things.

    Who gets the silver service? Will anybody take this old cup from Niagara Falls? What do we do with this plaque that Dad got? Does anybody want the plate that has a picture of the old church? Who takes the pitcher that brought Mom’s mint-lemon iced tea to the table? Who keeps the bell that brought us to dinner together? Did we really eat supper together every evening?

    Who will take the books? The bookshelves in this house were such welcome places. Every book had a story to tell, with some special connection to our family. All the books together were a reflection of my parents and their special interest in ideas and places and people. Books signed by their authors evoke memories of special friendships and connections. Where will those books go? What will the grandchildren say if we give up any of them?

    Clean out the closets. Old ties, old dresses. Suddenly Mom thinks that the Mint Museum in Charlotte will be interested in one of her dresses for its collection. She thinks the dressmaker was an artist and that some example of her work should be kept forever. We think that is a crazy idea, but we set aside the dress to humor mom. The Mint Museum was delighted. They wanted the dress. Mom was right again.

    Who will take the desk? Who will take the chest? Clear them out first. The letters. The photos. The old catalogs. Canceled checks from many years ago. Tax returns.
    There are thousands of photos. How can there be so many? One photo of my father when he was much younger than I am today is indistinguishable from a recent picture of my son. I go into a misty dream that brings him back alive and puts the three of us together as contemporaries and buddies.

    Letters. Letters. Letters. My brother settles in with the letters between my parents. Written 50 years ago, they described their jobs and the pains of bearing children, moving, living through hard times with optimism and of loving each other. My brother is moved and cannot be pulled away. But where will these letters be stored? Who will hold them for the grandchildren?

    The doorbell rings. He comes in like a character from a Greek play — to bring a conclusion to our own drama. It is the flea market man. He helps us build a pile of our treasures for his bid. “I’ll give you an extra $50 for the old telephone. Maybe I can double my money. Maybe not. Thanks a lot. I have sure enjoyed getting to know you folks.”
    And we are finished. The last box is on the curb. Now the tears can come.

  • 10 Close up of Falling Down WallpaperTwo local galleries have collaborated to bring a thought-provoking exhibition about materials, style and content. “New Media Abstraction and Identity Politics: in Traditional and Contemporary Black Visual Art” is an exhibit that spans two galleries: Rosenthal Gallery at Fayetteville State University and Ellington-White Contemporary Gallery at 311 Gillespie St. in Fayetteville.

    Visitors to each gallery will immediately feel that each artist in the exhibit has something to communicate about a fixed experience and possibilities. In combination with the diverse materials artists use, no one will leave the exhibit without reflecting on the power of the visual image to evoke someone’s passion on a subject — more than likely a transformative experience will take place for anyone visiting the galleries.

    One can sense that each artist in the exhibit is part of a greater intent — to help people come to know or understand something by feeling it emotionally or physically. Dwight Smith, the curator of the exhibit at Rosenthal Gallery, defines new media abstraction as “a contemporary aesthetic used to examine, interrogate and re-imagine dominate cultural narratives of black experiences … contemporary artists exploring a wide range of traditional and nontraditional materials from a variety of sources.”

    Smith noted, “Looking for works that infuse elements of technology, music and pop culture, science fiction, magical realism or historical fantasy is effective in helping visual artists articulate new subjectivities as well as new realities. In this invitational 10 02 For Strengthexhibit, artists were asked to freely interpret the various ideas discussed within the theme of new media abstraction.”

    Of the 48 artists from the East Coast and Midwest, 30 works are in Rosenthal Gallery and the remaining 18 are located at Ellington-White Contemporary gallery. Included in the exhibit are new young artists, but also a “Who’s Who” of nationally recognized artists: Ben Jones, Peggy Blood, David C. Driskell, Willis Bing Davis, John Biggers, Margaret T. Burroughs, Shirley Woodson, Charlie Johnson, Louise M. Johnson, Lee Ransaw and Robert J. Stull.

    An older generation and a new generation of black artists are exhibiting together to create a wave of Afrocentric sensibility, social justice and everyday black life as the structural underpinning. There are so many excellent works of art in the exhibition that visitors will need to visit each gallery several times to absorb the range of themes and ways in which materials are used to evoke meaning.

    I did select two artists to share with readers. New generation artist Ackeem Salmon is exhibiting a large work titled “For Strength.” A mixed-media photo transfer on wood, the portrait is an enticing work on many levels. Visitors will be stunned by the classical beauty of the image. Yet upon closer examination, one will see Salmon leaves the surface rough in areas; seams of the transfer paper are evident to contrast with what the image renders possible — perfection.

    An older and established artist, Ben Jones, has two works in the exhibit that reflect his preoccupation with two themes, environmentalism and social justice. Rosenthal Gallery is exhibiting an 8’x 8’ detailed wall hanging on canvas titled “Falling Down Wallpaper.” In this work, the artist promotes the idea of saving and valuing our environment by including words from poems and painted a series of images from nature — birds and plant life.

    In contrast, Ellington-White Contemporary Gallery is exhibiting an installation by Ben Jones titled “Trayvon Martin.” The 8’x 8’ wall hanging on canvas is a grid design of hundreds of images of the slain teenager. Jones modified each image to reflect the results of social media and the variety of ways people across the county viewed the teenager. A wooden chair painted a flat black and a stack of toy guns are in front of the 8’x 8’ detailed and challenging wall hanging.

    Jones is presenting lectures, one on Feb. 7, to Fayetteville State University art students and the public at Rosenthal Gallery and another lecture for the public, Feb. 8, at Ellington-White Gallery.

    Jones is an American artist with a great interest in Cuba, where he is well-known and has had several major exhibitions. Jones has made over 50 cultural exchange visits to Cuba since the 1970s and is noted by the Granma International of Havana, Cuba, as one of the most important African-American artists of his generation. For nearly five decades, Jones’ multimedia installations have reflected his travel and research in Africa, Europe, South America, the United States and the Caribbean to include the Museum of Modern Art in New York City; Studio Museum of Harlem, New York, New York; and Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Havana, Cuba, to name a few. He has received numerous grants and awards including two National Endowment for the Arts grants (2007 and 1974-75), The Puffin Foundation (2005) and The Joan Mitchell Foundation grant (2002) among many others. Jones has lectured at universities, museums and cultural institutions worldwide including, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Howard University, Washington, D.C.; Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, Georgia; Wilfredo Lam Center, Havana, Cuba; and University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana.

    Having such a powerful large exhibit as “New Media Abstraction and Identity Politics: in Traditional and Contemporary Black Visual Art” leads to a simple question, how were the galleries able to coordinate so many established and new artists in one exhibition?

    Both agencies have had connections to two established organizations that have promoted the works of black artists for many years: The National Conference of Artists and The National Alliance of Artists from Historically Black Colleges and Universities. The National Conference of Artists, founded in 1959, is devoted to the preservation, promotion, and furtherance of African and African-American culture, and the creative forces of the artists that emanate from the African world experience.

    The NCA proudly proclaims its existence as the oldest African-American visual arts advocacy organization in the United States. Its members include artists, educators, scholars, exhibitors, art distributors, art collectors and gallery owners, museum personnel and supporters of African and African-American art and culture. It has national chapters in many large urban areas of the country. The newest chapter is the North Carolina Chapter, which is located in Fayetteville.

    Dr. Lee A. Ransaw, then dean of arts and letters and chair of the Fine Arts Department, along with Lamar Wilson, Director of the Ruth Hall Hodges Art Gallery, envisioned the National Alliance of Artists from HBCUs during the summer of 1999 on the campus of Morris Brown College in Atlanta, Georgia. NAAHBCU’s mission statement defines the purpose of the organization is to bring art and art education to the forefront of member institutions and to keep these programs as institutional priorities for generations to come.

    The Alliance is committed to developing in its members, and especially students, the artistic and life skills needed to function as literate citizens in the society of today and in the future. The NAAHBCU also exists to provide comprehensive activities that offer artistic and expressive opportunities for professional artists employed or formerly employed at member institutions as well as for historians and curators, collectors and friends of the arts.

    “New Media Abstraction and Identity Politics: in Traditional and Contemporary Black Visual Art” will be on exhibit until Feb. 29. Ben Jones will be the featured guest lecturer for the exhibition on Feb. 7, at Rosenthal Gallery and Feb. 8,  at Ellington-White Contemporary Gallery.
    For more information, contact Dwight Smith, assistant professor of visual art and director of the Rosenthal Gallery, Fayetteville State University at 910-672-1795.

    Top picture: “Falling Down Wallpaper” by Ben Jones
    Bottom picture: “For Strength” by Ackeem Salmon
  • 08 kay V3qzwMY2ak0 unsplashBetter Health has been serving the Cumberland County community for the past 61 years. For the past 23 years, the organization has offered fun and entertaining ways to raise funds for the nonprofit, and this year is no exception. Preparing for its largest annual fundraiser thus far, the theme for 2020 is an “Evening at Casino Royale,” and it is sure to be an unforgettable event. Event chair, Jennifer Hammond, has gathered a group of excited volunteers who are looking forward to making sure the evening is not only tremendously successful, but it’s enjoyable, too. Mark your calendar for Feb. 29, and get your tickets now.

    The annual fundraiser event is designed to raise funds for Better Health and to educate those in attendance about what this longtime nonprofit offers to the community.

    Director Amy Navejas said, “So often, we hear people who are not familiar with the organization, but they come in, are blown away by what we do and how long Better Health has been serving the community. This event is a way for our community to come together to support those in need, show appreciation for all of the physicians and volunteers who make it all possible and have a great time.” The dedicated staff and board of directors will also be in attendance for those who would like to meet them and hear more about this incredible organization.

    The evening will begin with attendees receiving tokens from the 2020 Casino Sponsor, the Cobb Tilghman Group of Merrill Lynch. They will trade the tokens with the pit boss for play money where they can try their luck at the blackjack, roulette, craps and poker tables. Attendees will also enjoy great music, have the opportunity to bid on splendid silent auction items, munch on scrumptious food provided by Elite Catering, and sip adult beverages.

    All of this fun takes place at the locally owned Carolina Barn at McCormick Farms, only 11 miles from the Market House. The address is 7765 McCormick Bridge Road, Spring Lake.

    All the money raised will help Better Health continue to support the community. Better Health provides free diabetes education, emergency direct medical aid for the uninsured, emergency dental extractions and free medical equipment loans and even childhood obesity programs. All of this is made possible through fundraisers and devoted volunteers made up of Certified Diabetes Educators, nurses and more.

    The event is Saturday, Feb. 29, from 7-11 p.m.

    If you are interested in volunteering, want to be a sponsor or have questions about the event, email,  visit  or call Better Health at 910-483-7534.

  • 04 MERCYRealizing that my column is routinely longer than what is normal, I considered making changes to lessen my word count. Doing so would adversely impact how I approach important topics. That is, presenting thoughtful discussion of a topic while supporting that discussion with logical flow and sound facts. In sharing my challenge with my wife, Denise, she suggested that I start each column with a brief statement summarizing the column’s central point. Doing so will, hopefully, allow individuals to quickly decide whether they will read the lengthy piece. I decided to follow Denise’s advice. Commencing with this column, each one will open with a “Column Gist.”

    Column Gist: The perspective with which a person views whatever life presents dramatically impacts how they respond in every instance. Given this fact, every individual should give serious attention to his or her perspective. Doing so requires a level of self-reflection that is extremely rare in America. This lack of self-reflection allows for holding onto perspectives that result in unreasonable, even destructive, actions. I am convinced that flawed perspectives are at the heart of many of the problems we face in America.

    My latest period of intense attention to the power of perspective was prompted by seeing the movie “Just Mercy.” Here is a summary of the movie from “A powerful and thought-provoking true story, ‘Just Mercy’ follows young lawyer Bryan Stevenson and his history-making battle for justice. After graduating from Harvard, Bryan had his pick of lucrative jobs. Instead, he heads to Alabama to defend those wrongly condemned or who were not afforded proper representation, with the support of local advocate Eva Ansley. One of his first, and most incendiary, cases is that of Walter McMillian, who, in 1987, was sentenced to die for the notorious murder of an 18-year-old girl, despite a preponderance of evidence proving his innocence and the fact that the only testimony against him came from a criminal with a motive to lie. In the years that follow, Bryan becomes embroiled in a labyrinth of legal and political maneuverings and overt and unabashed racism as he fights for Walter, and others like him, with the odds — and the system — stacked against them.”

    Bryan Stevenson and Walter McMillian are black, while the 18-year-old murder victim was white. When the movie was over, given the legitimate focus on mistreatment, racism and discrimination based on the accused being black, I was troubled. I was so troubled that I was still sitting in the theater when everybody else had left, and two young people were waiting to clean the area.

    I was troubled because of feeling confident that far too many black Americans would view this movie with a Civil Rights Era perspective rather than one based on current conditions in America. I sat there grieving for our country because failure, by so many, to adjust perspective is wreaking havoc on our country. Let me be clear: I am addressing concern for black perspectives, but the power of perspective applies to every person.

    Https:// provides a revealing definition and example of perspective: “Your perspective is the way you see something. If you think that toys corrupt children’s minds, then from your perspective, a toy shop is an evil place.” The truth of this statement caused my troubled response to what is a moving and extremely well-done movie. If a black person holds a perspective based in the 50s and 60s, as opposed to present conditions in America, that person will be more likely to see racism where it does not exist. We live in a time when this circumstance is rampant, and the results are downright scary.

    Within 20 minutes of leaving the movie theater, I had an experience that confirmed my view that perspective must be based on current conditions, and every person must have the capacity to adjust their perspective. I was approaching a crosswalk and still struggling with that movie and its likely impact. A black lady walked up alongside me and we started a conversation. I asked where she was from and she said, “Birmingham, Alabama.” Since the movie told of actual events that took place in Alabama, I told her that we had just seen “Just Mercy.” She responded that she wanted to see the movie.

    Given that she was from Alabama, I asked how things were going in the state. By this time, we were on the other side of the street. She stopped and stood still; then, looking directly at me, answered my question with clarity and total believability. The lady said that she was past her mid-70s and grew up in Birmingham during the Civil Rights Movement. After becoming an adult, she moved away for many years. Deciding to move back a few years ago, she expected to find a challenging situation — obviously based on her memories of the Civil Rights Era. That was her perspective.

    However, her assessment was that Birmingham is a much better place than she expected to find upon returning. This lady explained that she lives in a quality neighborhood surrounded by supportive and cordial neighbors, most of whom are white. She frequents a senior citizen center where there is a mix of participants by race, ethnicity, culture, income level and so forth, but they all get along extremely well. Then came a surprising comment. She said that when Donald Trump was elected president, her expectation was that the good racial conditions of her city would decline, but there was no change.

    After all of the positives, she said, with obvious sadness, that the neighborhood where she grew up is in very bad condition now. Then a closing comment that, as black Americans, we are hurting ourselves. She said, in Birmingham, blacks are killing each other in large numbers, even babies. The headline of an article by Paul Kersey confirms her assessment. That headline is “In 2018 Birmingham, Alabama (a 75% black city), Not One of the 99 Criminal Homicides Involved a White Male Suspect.”
    After many years, this lady went home to Alabama with expectations based on experiences and observations from the Civil Rights Era. Her perception was set. To her credit, she adjusted that perception in light of conditions much improved from the horrible circumstances she saw and experienced during her youth and early adult years in Birmingham.

    Therein is one of the great challenges for all of us. It is to recognize when our perspective is out of sync with present reality and adjust accordingly. Failure to consistently and faithfully take this action can not only adversely impact us as individuals but, to varying degrees, adversely impact society in general.

    I contend that failure to shift in perspective is happening across America, and we are paying a high price because of the failure. What is happening in Fayetteville by way of black citizens opposing the building of the North Carolina Civil War & Reconstruction History Center is, for me, the result of a failure to adjust perspectives. Here is an opportunity to accurately educate citizens, young and old and help heal the destructive racial divide while producing substantial positive economic impact. Based on the contention that the people — mostly white — who are leading the effort will not accurately tell the Civil War and Reconstruction story and will glorify the Civil War, a movement that will likely kill this very promising project is underway. The relevant question is what perspective might a person hold that would result in this level of distrust?
    It has to be one from some period prior to the present. I have thoroughly researched this project and talked with people, black and white, who are involved with it. Nothing I have seen supports the distrust perspective obvious in this opposition.

    This is just one case where I contend the power of perception is at work in a very negative way and needs to be realigned to sync with current conditions. This kind of faulty perception is running rampant in America and doing great harm. We, all of us, would do well to learn from that 75+ year-old black lady from Birmingham.
  • 05 01 Building Business Rally 2A business development gathering begun as an annual event four years ago by Fayetteville’s Public Works Commission succeeded beyond expectations this year. “Of the 500 or so attendees, 300 were representatives of local businesses,” said PWC spokeswoman Carolyn Justice-Hinson.

    They took advantage of the opportunity to learn about the estimated $1 billion local governments and major companies have budgeted that they would like to spend locally. The Building Business Rally, held  at the Ramada Plaza Hotel Jan. 30, made area business owners aware that Fayetteville and Cumberland County organizations depend on local companies to provide relevant and necessary goods and services. “Local engagement is what government agencies emphasize,” when making purchases large and small, Justice-Hinson added.

    “Learning about correct sources in the community was of great value,” said Anthony Day of WMK Tiles.

    A website is available for business owners for follow up:   

    05 02 N1611P25011CEarly voting

    Early voting for the March 3 primary election ends Feb. 29 at all seven locations in Cumberland County. They are the Board of Elections office, Cliffdale Recreation Center, North Regional Branch Library, Hope Mills Recreation Center, East Regional Branch Library, J.D. Pone Recreation Center and Smith Recreation Center. Voters will not be required to show photo identification for the March 3, primary election. A federal court blocked North Carolina’s voter photo ID requirement from taking effect. The injunction will remain in place until further orders of the court. The March primary is for various federal, state and local offices including president, governor, North Carolina House districts 43, 44 and 45, judicial district 12 and two Cumberland County Board of Commissioners seats. Citizens who wish to vote must report to their home precinct. Polls for all precincts will open at 6:30 a.m. March 3 and close at 7:30 p.m. Call 910-678-7733 or go to for more information.

    05 03 fayettevillepoliceofficersHome buying assistance for police officers

    The city of Fayetteville has received a $50,000 check from First Horizon Bank for the Good Neighbor Homebuyer Loan Program. This program, to be administered by the city’s Economic and Community Development Department, is designed to offer city police officers a depreciating loan of up to $20,000 for a down payment and closing costs. The homes must be in Fayetteville’s revitalization corridors of Murchison Road or B Street.

    “This provides our officers with a great opportunity to receive assistance with a home purchase within the city,” said Police Chief Gina Hawkins. “I am very thankful for First Horizon Bank’s graciousness in providing the money... for this effort,” Mayor Mitch Colvin added, “We encourage other businesses and organizations to consider such beneficial partnerships.”

    05 04 fire station 15 2Fayetteville has been fire-fatality free for more than a year

    For the first time in 10 years, there were no fire-related deaths in the city of Fayetteville in 2019. Across North Carolina last year, there were 117 fire-related deaths. The Fayetteville Fire Department responded to more than 29,000 calls for service in 2019. Four hundred sixteen calls were structure fires.  The reduction in fire fatalities has been attributed primarily to the rapid response of the fire department and the dedication of residents who have smoke alarms and early detection devices in their homes.
    “The importance of an early indication of fire in a dwelling is immeasurable,” said Fire Chief Mike Hill.

    The Fayetteville Fire Department will install smoke alarms free of charge. The Fayetteville Fire Department is rated class 1 by the Insurance Service Office, which is the best possible rating. A class 1 rating describes how well a fire department protects the community. Insurance companies also use the score to help set insurance rates.

    05 05 82nd Abn Columbia trainingSouth America airborne exercise

    Approximately 75 paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne Division and 40 personnel from U.S. Army South wrapped up an airborne assault exercise Jan. 29. During the field maneuver, U.S. and Colombian paratroopers performed an airborne training insertion from C-130 Hercules aircraft, followed by tactical exercises designed to simulate the securing of an airfield. U.S. and Colombian personnel worked together to build interoperability and strategic and tactical expertise.

    “We are honored to train with Colombia — a close friend of the U.S. and Global Partner to NATO,” said U.S. Navy Adm. Craig Faller, commander of U.S. Southern Command, which routinely conducts multinational exercises throughout Latin America and the Caribbean to strengthen partnerships.

    05 06 Tiny HomesTiny homes for homeless veterans

    Super Bowl-bound Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes, 24, spends much of his spare time volunteering with a Kansas City-based organization that supports homeless veterans. One of the project’s initiatives is a community of 49 tiny homes built to get down-on-their-luck veterans off the streets. Fayetteville City Council recently heard a presentation from a Greensboro-based firm that builds tiny homes, some of which are set aside for homeless vets.

    “It’s awesome, just to be a part of this … and help out some veterans of our country,” Mahomes said. “It’s something that’s truly special.”

    Along with these 240- to 350-square-foot homes, occupants are provided with utilities and food. Mahomes’ volunteer work is separate from his personal charity. His foundation focuses on aiding underprivileged children by supporting 15 different local youth charities. With less than a week until Super Bowl Sunday, Kansas City is ready to cheer on Mahomes as he leads his team into its final game of the season.
  • 11 01 the vine 1Lovers in and around Fayetteville can give Cupid the weekend off this Valentine’s Day. Choices abound for a fun experience with your special someone with options that include fine dining, concerts, theater performances, Vegas-style casino events and more.

    The Vine  Enjoy an upscale Valentine’s Day listening to live jazz music by Fayetteville’s own Reggie Codrington while savoring a sumptuous meal at
    The Vine.

    The Vine co-owner Brad McLawhorn said the event is designed to be a step above dinner out at a restaurant. “We wanted to create an event that will make people feel special. We are taking reservations, and we can fit up three couples at a table. We want to give everyone an opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle. They can come and enjoy a plated dinner where everything will be served to them. It is a personalized experience with live music by Reggie Codrington to provide ambience.”
    The menu includes filet mignon,  salmon or chicken entrees as well as a vegetarian option.

    “We wanted to make sure everyone has something on the  menu that will appeal to them,” said McLawhorn.

    There will be several different side options, including a baked potato or honey cinnamon sweet potato or cayenne roasted red potatoes or cilantro lime rice along with multiple vegetables to choose from. Dessert options include New York-style cheesecake with a raspberry drizzle or a chocolate lava cake. McLawhorn also hinted that there will be a special surprise for the ladies who attend as well.

    Reservations are available in 30-minute increment, starting at 5 p.m. Tickets cost between $75 and $225. The expanded menu for this event accommodates dietary restrictions and includes vegetarian options. Find out more at  or or by calling 910-584-9892.

    11 02 1200x628 copyThe Crown Coliseum Complex has several events scheduled for Valentine’s Day weekend. Set for Friday, Feb. 14, the Valentine’s Day Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre serves up an evening of suspense, mystery and murder alongside a gourmet meal.

    “We are so excited for this event,” said Carolyn Swait, director of sales at the Crown Complex. “This is the first time ever the Crown has produced something of this magnitude... We want the community to not think of it as another dinner theater but to have a different experience from the minute they walk through the door. We have given this a lot of thought and have carefully considered everything that is going into this.”

    Produced, written and directed by Dr. Gail Morfesis, “Love Letters … Sleight of Hand” features Sylvester “Sly” Fox,  master of ceremonies and husband of Francine Maximillian, artistic consultant and original owner of “It’s all about You” booking agency. He came to Francine as an actor seeking jobs but has attempted to take over the business. He also has taken on several unscrupulous loans of which Francine is unaware. Francine is concerned about her husband’s attention toward her younger  protéges.

    This interactive whodunit invites attendees to solve the mystery while enjoying a cocktail hour with hors d’ oeuvres and an open bar followed by a three-course dinner and dessert. Vegetarian options are available upon request. The murder mystery dinner starts at 6 p.m. Visit for tickets and information.

    11 02 FAYCOMMUNITY2019 WebSliders TEXASTENORSCommunity Concerts presents the third performance in its five-show season this year with The Texas Tenors Friday, Feb. 14. The Texas Tenors take the stage at the Crown Theatre at 7:30 p.m. for a night of amazing music as the trio celebrate 10 years together. The group was honored earlier this year as one of the top 50 acts in the world. They were the only vocal group from the United States invited to compete on NBC’s primetime series “America’s Got Talent: The Champions.”

    For tickets and information, visit

    11 04 Logo Wine and Chocolate Festival copyWine and chocolate are a classic combination when it comes to romance. Saturday, Feb. 15 at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m., Carolina Uncork’d Wine & Chocolate Festival welcomes the public to taste selections from regional wineries and chocolatiers as well as spirits and craft beers and more at the Crown. There will be more than 100 of Carolina’s premier wineries, breweries, distilleries, cideries, restaurants, cheese makers, bakers, and chocolatiers in attendance.

    From selfie photo booths not yet seen in the Sandhills to life-sized games like Connect Four and beer pong, the event is the perfect place for a unique Valentine’s Day experience. “We’ll have the sweet spot, which offers different sweets and chocolate to taste throughout the day,” said Swait. “We’re adding a man cave and beer garden. We want to make it enticing for men. Valentine’s Day is centered around women. We thought this would entice women to bring their guys. There will be beer, whiskey, cognac, life-sized games and more. The Ladies Cove will feature a martini bar with a huge ice-sculpture martini glass with cosmos coming through it. There will be chocolate martinis and other specialized cocktails for the event, as well. Several of our sponsors are customizing cocktails as well. There will be games on the stage along with demonstrations, prizes and giveaways. We have so many fun surprises people are going to really enjoy.”

    The VIP experience includes one-hour early entry to a session; a premium swag bag; limitless samples of wine, craft beers, spirits, ciders and more; sampling of gourmet fondue bar chocolatiers and the region’s savory food bites; early vendor shopping experience; exclusive door prize giveaways.

    Attendees must be 21 or over. Tickets cost $15 for designated drivers/nondrinkers, $35 for regular tickets and $50 for VIP tickets. There is a military discount of $5.  For information and tickets, call  910-438- 4100.

    11 05 Shrek Showpage Banner V2 1024x202“Shrek: The Musical” is a fairytale musical for the young and the young at heart. In this production, the unlikely hero, Shrek, embarks on a life-changing journey. He is accompanied by Donkey as he takes on the task of rescuing a fiercely independent princess Fiona — who has a big secret. With themes of self-acceptance, trusting others and loving yourself for who you truly are woven into the story — and the songs, too — A night at CFRT’s “Shrek: The Musical”  is a lovely way to spend a whimsical evening (or afternoon) with your special Valentine.

    The show runs through Feb. 16. Show times are 7:30 p.m. Thursday through Sunday evenings with matinees at 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Visit for tickets and information.

    11 06 VALENTINES 2Take your sweetie on a Valentine’s Day carriage ride through downtown Fayetteville, Friday, Feb. 14 from 5-10 p.m. and Saturday, Feb. 15, from 1-9pm. Rides last about 20 minutes each.  Tickets for group rides are $15 per person or $10 for children under 10. Private rides for a truly romantic experience are also available for $60 per couple.  Tickets may be charged over the phone at 910-223-1089 or booked online at
  • 07 N2003P36001CIn recent years, cybersecurity as a profession has found itself at a crossroads. Since its origins in the 1980s, practitioners have drifted into computer security, information security or cybersecurity from other disciplines, mainly information technology and engineering, as well as entering through more academic or formal routes. However, with the increase in cybersecurity threats and attacks, the demand for professionals can no longer be met by practitioners drifting in from other professions or by limiting the choice to those lucky enough to have been able to pursue master’s degrees.

    Just last month, Cumberland County Workforce Development commemorated graduates of a Cybersecurity Pre-Apprenticeship program. The program is for young adults ages 14 through 25. It was held at the Cumberland County N.C. Works Career Center last fall. Raleigh-based ISG Cybersecurity Talent Development teamed up with Cumberland County Workforce Development to present the program. Eighteen students graduated in the inaugural class.

    ISG launched the Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Program in 2016 to help entry-level apprentices advance from mid- to senior-level skills in two years. The apprenticeship program helps meet industry demand for cybersecurity professionals and helps young people establish a career path in the field. Graduates will enter the next phase at Fayetteville Technical Community College to obtain certifications for continued education in cybersecurity. FTCC’s Systems Security and Analysis program prepares graduates for employment in the technology sector as cybersecurity analysts, cybersecurity managers, support technicians, system administrators and engineers.
    In 2015, Fayetteville Technical Community College President Dr. Larry Keen and Methodist University President Dr. Ben Hancock signed an agreement that allows a seamless transfer process for students interested in continuing cyber and information security studies. FTCC students who receive their Associate in Applied Science degrees in Information Systems Security are fully qualified to enter Methodist’s Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity program, which offers a Bachelor of Science degree.
    “We’re very excited for all of the positive things that will come from this agreement,” Hancock said. “For some students, this will be the best fit — to start out their careers at FTCC and then come to Methodist.”

    FTCC students must have received a C or better grade in those classes.

    “This is the first IT preapprentice program in North Carolina. Once these young adults complete this program, which will take them less than two years, they will be certified in cybersecurity with the ability to earn a mini-mum of $45,000 annually,” said Cumberland County Workforce Development Director Nedra Rodriguez.

    “The cybersecurity course was very informative and helped me understand more about computers,” said Ian McLaurin, a Cape Fear High School graduate who is one of the cybersecurity graduates.

    The next cybersecurity pre-apprentice program at Fayetteville’s N.C. Works Career Center at 414 Ray Ave. starts in April.

    The Cumberland County N.C. Works Career assists veterans and job seekers with the resources they need to succeed. For more information about the career center, go to

    The Workforce Development Board is appointed and governed by the Cumberland County Board of Commissioners.

  • 13 faithThe first time I met Nate, he was asking a question about a microphone I was using to collect stories at a local church men's breakfast. The church is known for the number of military families it attracts, and I was looking for one-liners about freedom for radio vignettes I was planning to broadcast from Memorial Day to Independence Day.

    As I engaged in a conversation about the microphone and his how-to mechanic videos, I had no idea of the story that was just beneath the surface. It wasn't until at least six months later I met his wife and discovered the pair and their three children had been through a harrowing, headline-grabbing ordeal three years prior to my meeting Nate.
    His wife's younger brother, who was living with them to add some order and stability to his life, had been shot to death after being beaten and robbed on an otherwise beautiful day in May. The story caught my interest — not because of the murder itself, but because of the story of faith and forgiveness surrounding it.

    Imagine the range of emotions in a courtroom filled with grieving family members on just about every seat in the room. One family grieving the life of a 16-year-old killed over $120, and the parents and siblings of six other young people grieving the sons they were about to lose to the prison system. Now imagine the guardian of the slain teen handing the mother of one of the accused a tissue to wipe her tears as she said, “I forgive you. It's not your fault.”

    This wasn't a scene from a cheesy made-for-TV movie — it was real life. It took real courage, and it stemmed from real faith. The incident and events surrounding it called everything into question for Nate and his family. And as they embraced those questions, they emerged with answers that led them to the dusty villages surrounding ancient Jerusalem, where a man named Jesus taught about loving God, treating others as well as you would yourself, and forgiving those who seek to do you harm.

    The journey that led them to forgiveness led them down roads of anger, bitterness and even resentment, but the God they found along the way gives them peace, which outweighs it all.

    At WCLN, we call that Monday School. The lessons learned as we venture beyond the rally and rhetoric of a weekend worship service into stories of real life, real faith and real people. We have devoted air time and a podcast channel to stories like Nate's and have discovered they are all around us. Our friends, neighbors and coworkers — their stories contain tales of heroism or sorrow and may be marked with an undeniable joy that defies explanation.

    You can find Monday School wherever you listen to podcasts, and we hope you do.

  • 02 cv4I yield to Pat King’s editorial below because it seems to be the sentiment of many educated and well-informed Fayetteville residents on the historical, educational, cultural and fiscal benefits our community would gain from having the North Carolina Civil War & Reconstruction History Center located in our community. It would be a big win — unless small minds and personal political agendas crush another opportunity for us to enhance the quality of life of all citizens. The impact of this facility on Fayetteville would be grand and historical. Will it happen? Stay tuned. Thank you for reading Up & Coming Weekly.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          — Bill
    I just finished reading John L. Johnson’s letter published in The Fayetteville Observer Thursday, Jan. 23. It was the incentive I needed to write these comments. His characterization of “myopic attitudes and lack of visionary leadership” exactly matches my perception of the elected city officials — primarily the mayor — who are in a position to have the greatest influence on the possibility of the North Carolina Civil War & Reconstruction History Center coming to fruition.

    In the Dec. 29, 2019, edition of The Fayetteville Observer is an article by staff writer John Henderson titled “Debate rages on about proposed Civil War History Center.” There is no raging debate, only the slow strangulation of support for this important project by the mayor and those he calls “concerned citizens,” primarily citizens that he needs to maintain his power base and time in office. On page A6 of that edition is a picture of the mayor, another local politician and a phalanx of Colvin’s “concerned citizens.” As the mayor continues his flip-flop about the NCCWRHC, he manages to keep this particular constituency opposed to what is already a functioning Civil War and Reconstruction History Center.

    If he took the time to learn about the great work that the History Center’s Cheri Todd Molter and her small staff are doing, he might come to understand that most of his incitement about the Center is false and harmful to eventually getting this significant project committed and under construction. Anyone who goes to the website and reads all the articles and watches the videos will understand what this facility will be — a teaching and learning center for all our people and (that will show) how this period shaped and still affects us all.

    The mayor is resorting to the same tactics he used in his campaign to remove the Market House from recognition as the symbol of our city — keeping a number of our citizens hoodwinked into believing his version of the facts. It worked. And it will work again and lead to the demise of the NCCWR History Center by keeping it from becoming a full reality.

    Mr. Johnson, the lack of “visionary leadership” you see will continue to do harm to the growth and betterment of our community unless citizens, like yourself, continue to speak up and support what is so desperately needed for the growth of jobs, development and investment in our city.

    To the mayor I say: Take the time to fully understand and respond to Mr. Johnson like you did to Mr. Patrick Tuohey’s piece in Friday’s newspaper about the development along Hay Street. Your legacy is becoming one of keeping racial issues as part of what should be what is good for all of Fayetteville’s citizens. You should be focused on Fayetteville’s future — not on your future and re-election.
  • 03 mohit tomar 9 g 6JcF6fk unsplashHow about these for some eye-popping numbers?

    There are apparently 2,153 billionaires — yes, with a b — in the world who have the same collective worth as the poorest half of the world. Put another way, these 2,153 vastly privileged people have the same collective wealth as 4.6 billion — yes, with a b — poor people. And, who is the richest person in the world? He is Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, and his estimated worth is $131 billion, almost six times North Carolina’s annual budget at one man’s disposal. Bill Gates is No. 2 at $96 billion, followed by Warren Buffett at $83 billion. Donald Trump comes in at a mere $3 billion. Much of that wealth has come from exploding technology and financial sectors. The report also finds that 22 men have more wealth than Africa’s 326 million women combined.

    Oxfam, a group of 19 independent charitable organizations focused on reducing global poverty, issues an annual report on who holds the world’s wealth. The report, issued to coincide with this month’s gathering of the ultra-rich at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, is based on data from the Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report, an outfit that has a good handle on where the money is. More than a few observers see the irony in rich people flying in on their private jets to discuss world poverty, among other issues. The Oxfam report is full of economic statistics that can be sliced and diced in all sorts of ways, not all of them positive.

    The World Economic Forum also expands the elite billionaire category to the richest multi-millionaires, which means the top 1% of the world’s wealth holders have twice as much collective wealth as almost seven billion people. One way to visualize the disparity of this inequality is to imagine that if we all sat on our wealth in $100 bills, most of us would sitting on the floor. Middle class folks from a wealthy nation, say most Americans, would be sitting at chair height. The world’s two richest men, Bezos and Gates, would be sitting in space.

    One aspect of world poverty and global inequity is that women put in literally billions of unpaid, undervalued work around the world, at least 12.5 billion hours adding almost $11 trillion — yes, with a t — to the world economy every year. This work includes women who walk miles to get water for their families, providing cooking, child-minding and other care work that is undervalued and generally unpaid, keeping the women in poverty and generating massive wealth for others.

    In general, the rich get richer and the poor either stay the same or get poorer. Money makes money through investing — hence more billionaires, most of them Americans, but workers do not have enough money to make it work for them. Oxfam reports that while the poorest of the poor are making some progress worldwide, nearly half the world’s population lives on less than $5.50 a day.

    “Extreme wealth is a sign of a failing economic system,” says the Oxfam report. Still, no one is realistically advocating snagging billions from the big-time “haves” of the world, much less from you and me. But Oxfam does have some suggestions to right the distortions that allow a few to accumulate vast wealth while most people struggle.

    1.  Deliver universal health care, education and other public services to all, including women and girls. Limit or end privatization of public services.

    2.  Invest in public services that allow women to move from daily hours of unpaid care services into actual employment.

    3.  End the under taxation of wealthy individuals and corporations that now pay lower rates than middle-class individuals. Eliminate tax avoidance and evasion by the super-rich and corporations.

    It took decades to get to such economic unbalance, and it will take decades to right our worldwide economic ship. What has occurred and how to deal with it is well worth pondering as we surf the internet with our fingers hovering over “Buy Now” on the Amazon website.

  • 12 nikolas noonan fQM8cbGY6iQ unsplashIf you want to see a play that tells a story that is both entertaining and relatable then “Ruins” is a must-see. This play is both humorous and in touch with what it feels like to experience a natural disaster. Written and directed by Montgomery Sutton, “Ruins” will be performed at the Gilbert Theater Jan. 24-Feb. 9.

    What starts as a simple story of a man who visits his former friend and lover, who has been affected by a horrific natural disaster, evolves into a reflection on their relationship, their memories and what led to their eventual breakup. This is production is an in-depth examination of what we feel like as people in romantic relationships and how these relationships affect our everyday lives.

    Unlike other plays performed in the Gilbert Theater, the set for “Ruins” has a look to it that is far from the glitz and glam of many typical sets. The set is so unique and life-like, it looks like a tornado blew through the theater, decimating the stage. Broken furniture is scattered everywhere. Remnants of a house have been spread all around the stage and the cast even describes where each room of the house formerly was throughout the course of the play.

    The performance starts off with a scene where we meet the two main characters, Grace Garson and Adam Smith. Grace is played by Megan L. Martinez, and the character that is Adam is played by Justin Matthew Toyer.

    During the opening scene, Garson and Smith meet for the first time in over a decade. They are in the literal ruins of Garson’s childhood home, reminiscing about all the memories they made in the home. Garson was not expecting to see Smith, and Smith is very nervous to see Garson after all of these years.

    The tension between these two could have been felt from miles away. Martinez and Toyer do an incredible job displaying the complexity of the many feelings their characters are feeling at that moment.

    The talent of Martinez and Toyer shines throughout the course of the play. Regardless of what emotion they are supposed to evoke, they show it with care and with intense passion. There was intense passion the audience could feel from the actors. It was almost as if the lines between actor and character were blurred.

    As the show goes on audience learns more and more about their relationship. The two started out as high school sweethearts. They were crazy about each other. They were so crazy about each other that in college they even contemplated the idea of going to New York City together.

    Later down the road, their relationship faced much adversity. They wanted different things from life, which led them down two separate paths. The actors portray their story through reflections told by the characters and flashback scenes.
    The symbolism in the story was touching as well. One thing that really broke my heart  was the tree coming down. This tree was Grace and Adam’s favorite tree when they were teenagers. The tree coming down essentially symbolized the end of that time that they had together.

    To experience the artistic creation that is “Ruins,” visit for tickets and information.

  • 08 VeryStableGenius 3D extend copyPresident Donald Trump blasted top military officials as “losers” and “a bunch of dopes and babies” for lack of success in recent wars during a tense meeting early in his presidency, which set a negative tone for the relationship between the Pentagon and White House, according to a new book.

    The book, “A Very Stable Genius: Donald J. Trump’s Testing of America,” was written by Washington Post national investigative reporter Carol Leonnig and White House bureau chief Philip Rucker. It provides an insider narrative of Donald Trump’s presidency.

    “A Very Stable Genius” was named after Trump’s declaration of his superior knowledge. The book chronicles the first three years of the Trump presidency, with interviews about high-level administration discussions, which the authors say have not been made public before. Included are details of a meeting at the Pentagon in the summer of 2017, six months into Trump’s presidency, where top generals and administration officials met with the president to discuss U.S. alliances and military posture overseas. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and Director of the National Economic Council Gary Cohn were present. All of them have since stepped down from their posts.

    For the first time, officials who felt honor-bound not to criticize a sitting president publicly or divulge what they witnessed in a position of trust, tell the truth for the benefit of history. Sources interviewed for the book say the Pentagon meeting devolved into an angry rant by Trump, who accused top U.S. military officials of incompetence. He called Afghanistan a “loser war” and told the generals that “you don’t know how to win anymore.” He attacked the group for the costs of ongoing military operations overseas and said that the United States should have gotten payments in oil from allies that the U.S. assisted in the Middle East.

    “I wouldn’t go to war with you people,” the book quotes Trump as saying to the military officials. “You’re a bunch of dopes and babies.”

    According to the authors, Tillerson defended the military leaders and told Trump his criticism was “totally wrong.” Tillerson was fired in March 2018. Mattis, a former Marine Corps general, resigned about nine months later, citing differences with Trump over support for foreign allies. Mattis declined to comment on the new book. During the meeting, the authors wrote, Trump suggested charging “rent” to South Korea for U.S. military forces stationed there and suggested that NATO countries owed America direct payments totaling hundreds of millions of dollars.

    Publicly, Pentagon leaders characterized the meeting in a positive light. But Leonnig and Rucker said the session led to a strained relationship between the generals and Trump and the eventual departure of several high-ranking officials who were upset over the administration’s policies. Predictably, President Trump lashed out at the authors of the book calling them “stone-cold losers.”

    In a tweet, Trump asserted that “almost every story” in the book was “a made-up lie.”

  • 21 01 Jaden FordJaden Ford
    Westover • Basketball• Sophomore
    Ford has a grade point average of 3.51. She averages 8.8 points and 4.8 rebounds for the Westover girls basketball team. She has made 14 3-point baskets.

    21 02 Harmony MartinHarmony Martin
    Westover • Basketball/soccer• Freshman
    Martin has a grade point average of 3.75. She averages 12.1 points, 7.7 rebounds and 5.1 assists for the Wolverine girls basketball team. She has made 10 3-point baskets.

  •  04 IMG 0365What’s that signpost up ahead? Beware, you are about to cross over into the Valentine Zone. It’s the middle ground between light and shadow, science and superstition. It lies between the pit of man’s fears and women’s expectations. This is the dimension of sensitivity. A place where no man is safe from making a bumble-headed move in affairs of the heart.

    As a public service to men everywhere, today’s stain on world literature will explain what love is. Gentlemen start your engines. As our Beloved Dear Leader might report: “Many people say that love is a hot-blooded emotion.” Au contraire, as our French friends would say love is best exemplified by the world’s greatest cold-blooded lover. I speak of the Casanova of Reptilian Love, the one, the only, Diego the Giant Tortoise of Amor. Diego was recently the subject of an admiring article in The New York Times written by Amee Ortiz. If Amee said it, I believe it and that settles it. Diego has recently retired as the King of Tortoise Love, which triggered The New York Times article.
    Let us first consider Diego’s background to determine what made him such a superstar in the giant tortoise world. Diego was hatched around 1920 on the island of Espanola. At some point in the 1930s, he emigrated from Espanola to his current home in the Galapagos. Diego’s personal stats are impressive. When he extends his full length, he is almost 5 feet long and weighs over 175 pounds. That is a lot of giant tortoise. Despite Diego’s uncanny resemblance to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the Lady Tortoise’s can’t get enough of Diego. Who says love is blind? Diego says so.

    To misquote our old pal, Percy Bysshe Shelly in his poem “Ozymandias,” “Look upon Diego’s works, ye mighty warm-blooded mammals, and despair!” Diego is over 100 years old and a stud among studs. He had a way with the lady tortoises that resulted in saving his species from extinction. He was placed in a captive breeding program in the 1970s in the Galapagos Islands. When Diego signed up for romantic duty, there were only 14 giant tortoises of his tribe, the Chelonoidis hoodensis, on the island. The 14 giant tortoises consisted of 12 lady tortoises, Diego and another male with the uninspiring name of E5. Things were looking bleaker than the chance the Tar Heels would get into the NCAA tournament for the survival of the species until Diego rose to the occasion. When Diego had finished doing his thing in 2019, there were 2,000 giant tortoises on the island. These statistics demonstrate that baby giant tortoises are proof that male giant tortoises look good to female giant tortoises.

    Through the giant tortoise equivalent of 23 & Me genetic testing, it turns out that Diego was responsible for 40% of the resulting baby giant tortoises. This does mean that his buddy, E5 was responsible for 60% of the new giant tortoises, but Diego gets all the publicity. Obviously, Diego has a much better press agent than E5 — as well as a much catchier name. Professor James Gibbs, head guru of giant tortoise Love Island, explained Diego’s fame, saying that “Diego has a big personality — quite aggressive, active and vocal in his mating habits, and so I think he has gotten most of the attention. But it clearly is the other quieter male that has had much more success. Maybe he prefers to mate more at night.”

    Makes you wonder what sweet nothings Diego bellows in the ears of the lady tortoises. It also makes you wonder if tortoises have ears. Have you ever seen a giant tortoise’s ears? Not me. But apparently Diego knew where to look. Apparently, lady tortoises have an aural spot with which Diego could tickle their fancy. One can only wonder what Diego whispered to his lady loves — “If loving you is wrong, I don’t want to be a giant tortoise,” “This giant tortoise is in love with you,” “I just bellowed to say ‘I love you’” “Tortoise love will keep us together,” “All you need is tortoise love,” “I want to hold your claw,” or possibly “My shell, Ma Belle.” The ways of giant tortoise love are a many splendored thing.

    Diego is going to be sent back to his home island of Espanola, where he is going to live out the rest of his days writing his memoirs, telling lies to his tortoise buddies about his multiple romantic conquests and appearing in commercials for Viagra.

    So, what can Diego teach mere mortal men about love in this most dangerous time of the upcoming Valentine Zone? Toot your own horn. Have a big personality. Promise her anything but remember to deliver. Slow and steady wins the race to repopulate. Never, ever give up. Even if you look like Mitch McConnell, there is a woman who is right for you.

  • 07 homeless personFayetteville City Council is considering spending nearly $4 million on a facility to help the homeless. The money is available to the city in state grant funds. City Council invited officials of Raleigh’s Oak City Cares to make a presentation at a recent public meeting. Oak City Cares is an organization that bills itself as a multiservice agency that provides a day center and services to help the homeless.

    The “concept is to coordinate rather than compete with other agencies,” said Oak City Cares Executive Director Kathryn Johnson.

    Wake County provided $7 million, and the city of Raleigh gave $3.4 million for the multipurpose center in downtown Raleigh, according to Rick Miller, retired regional director of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Raleigh, which operates the facility.

    Wake County provided an old warehouse as a shell building for the center. Catholic Charities employees operate the facility, which raised $2.5 million in a private fundraising effort. The funds are paying the nonprofit agency’s share of operating costs for the first few years and provide $400,000 in reserve funds, Johnson told Council.

    Local Fayetteville agencies that serve the homeless insist a multimillion-dollar complex would be a waste of money since the services offered by such a facility are already available in the community. Fayetteville’s Operation Inasmuch has many of the programs and facilities provided by Oak City Cares. FOI’s website says its 40-bed lodge has led more than 200 men to get jobs, assisted over 100 men to find stable housing, provided individualized case management, offered job search and interview training and reduced the homeless population. Just as Oak City Cares does, the Operation Inasmuch lodge provides shower facilities, laundry services and computer access.

    Unlike the capital city area where city and county governments worked together, Cumberland County Commissioners have said they have no interest in joining the city in a multipurpose center for the homeless. Other groups are also active in Fayetteville in meeting the needs of people living on the streets. Street people who live a public, transient lifestyle on the streets of a city are among the homeless and are often mentally ill. Organizations here that serve the homeless agree the city should focus on job creation and providing affordable housing.

    City Council also heard from the director of Communities in Communities, which builds and leases tiny homes for those in need. It’s a Greensboro-based company that replaces vacant and blighted properties in the Triad with small houses of 500 to 1,000 square feet. Scott Jones outlined cottage communities in pocket neighborhoods that have been developed in High Point and Greensboro with a new development underway in Winston-Salem. “They are designed to serve the needs of the chronic homeless,” Jones said. “The idea is to replace tent-living with small homes that are practical and affordable.”

    Rent is subsidized based on the occupants’ earnings. City officials took no action on the proposals and did not schedule a subsequent meeting.

  • 14 car at side of roadReturning from a funeral in Texas, I encountered on the west outskirts of Columbia, South Carolina, on I-20, a 10-year old Lincoln four-door sedan, which had “just died”. Occupants were “Kiki”, the driver, a 30-something-year-old woman with a purple wig, “Estevan” a 25-year old guy and two young grade-school kids. Kiki told me that the clamps to her battery posts — battery was in the trunk — were loose and the car had cut off several times.

     I asked how she knew the clamps were loose. She replied that she had gotten a jump start from someone else who had told her that, but this person didn’t have any tools to tighten the clamps. I figured that getting the clamps tightened would be easy, and it was — only one clamp was loose, but it required six 1-inch-long segments of paper clip wire inserted between the clamp and post to add enough bulk to the post. This paper clip trick on the battery worked, since the engine started right away and kept running. 

    In the trunk, I noticed that the vehicle’s donut spare had no air; there was a gap where there should have been a bead between the tire and the rim. The spare was not needed since there was no flat tire, but when I told Kiki about the empty spare and offered to try to inflate it, she agreed.

    I was hoping that my new more-powerful Viair compressor would pump air into the tire fast enough to reseal the bead without having to use a ratchet strap around the tread to force the tire’s inner lip against the rim. After massaging the tire with my hand as the compressor hummed away, I was delighted to hear a very loud pop as the bead sealed. As Estevan looked on I pointed out a jack in the trunk, but there was no lug wrench.
    I informed Kiki of all this, recommending she get a lug wrench. It was then that she told me also that the vehicle’s steering was very loose so the car was hard to keep in a lane. I advised her to call for a tow or drive the car slowly and directly to a shop like Pep Boys in Columbia.
    She replied that she had no money for either so she would have to try to drive it another 20 miles to her original destination. Before we split, Kiki and Estevan both thanked me for helping them. I hope they made it.
    Walt’s tips:
    Keep battery clamps tight, so they cannot be moved by hand.
    Check the spare tire for proper inflation.
    Have tire changing tools.
    If the car cannot be steered safely, park it!
  • The Fayetteville Sports Club has announced its Hall of Fame class for 2020.

    The new list of inductees includes four voted into the traditional Hall of Fame and two added as members of the Legends category, which was introduced for the first time last year to honor candidates who had been considered for some time but had not been inducted.

    The four members of the regular class include veteran high school official Neil Buie, former Terry Sanford High School and Elon football standout Brent Sexton, three-sport high school star and UNC-Pembroke volleyball All-American Melanie Grooms-Garrett and former E.E. Smith boys basketball coach Roy McNeill.

    The two Legends selections were longtime minor league baseball player Bob Spicer Sr. and the late Jimmy Edwards Jr., standout dirt track racing driver.

    Here are brief biographies of each honoree.

    Neil Buie

    A 1965 graduate of Fayetteville High School, Buie has been involved in various levels of officiating since 1967. He was a baseball umpire for the North Carolina High School Athletic Association from 1967-98. He umpired five high school state championship series.

    He also called seven American Legion state title series plus a dozen area championships.

    Buie also worked at the NCAA Division I, II and III levels calling baseball.

    In addition to baseball, Buie called high school football. He was involved with six NCHSAA regional championship games, two state championships, the 1993 North Carolina Coaches Association East-West All-Star game and the 1996 Shrine Bowl of the Carolinas.

    Buie has served as regional supervisor of baseball officials from 1998-2019 and has done the same for football officials from 2013 to the present.

    He has won a number of awards from the NCHSAA including the Golden Whistle Award, the highest award given to officials, along with the Special Person Award and the Distinguished Service Award.

    Jimmy Edwards Jr.

    Better known by his nickname "Porky," Edwards was one of the most successful dirt-track racers in North and South Carolina.

    He began his career in the lower levels of both dirt and asphalt racing in 1975, then advanced to the popular Late Model division in 1976. Edwards claimed more than a dozen track titles and took his 400th career win in July of 2007 at the Fayetteville Motor Speedway.

    In 1979, he won 40 races. In 1983, he won 24 times in only 35 starts.

    He competed head-to-head with NASCAR stars like Bobby Allison, Dale Earnhardt and David Pearson in short track competition.

    Edwards died at the age of 57 in 2011.

    Melanie Grooms-Garrett

    Grooms-Garrett was one of the most versatile and outstanding athletes in the history of South View High School.

    Her senior year with the Tigers, she was the athlete of the year in three different sports, volleyball, basketball and softball.

    She enrolled at UNC-Pembroke and continued her athletic success there, becoming the only player in school history to be named an NAIA All-American in the sport of volleyball.

    Grooms-Garrett also played softball for the Braves and was All-Carolinas Conference from 1991-92 and All-District her senior year.

    She returned to UNC-Pembroke to serve as head coach of the volleyball and softball teams.

    She coached softball for two years, nearly tripling the school’s win total from the first season in her final year as softball coach.

    She was inducted into the UNC-Pembroke Hall of Fame in 2003.

    Roy McNeill

    During his stint as head basketball coach at E.E. Smith, McNeill compiled a record of 185-62. He coached from 1993-1999 and earned one Holiday Classic championship, two conference titles and three sectional championships.
    Those are impressive numbers considering he inherited a team his first year that went 4-22 in the previous season.

    He ended his career with six 20-win seasons, nine consecutive state playoff appearances and nine straight winning seasons. His prior head coaching stops included Northwest Halifax, Wilson Hunt, Lumberton and Littlefield.
    He was voted Mid-South Conference Coach of the Year in 1999.

    McNeill played college basketball at Fayetteville State and was inducted into the Fayetteville State Hall of Fame in 1993.

    Brent Sexton

    Sexton was a football standout at Terry Sanford High School before going on to star on the football team at Elon University.

    He earned All-American recognition at Elon in 1974 and was elected into the Elon Sports Hall of Fame in 1985.

    Sexton was drafted by the Pittsburgh Steelers in 1975 and played three seasons with the organization, winning a Super Bowl ring in 1975 when the Steelers defeated the Dallas Cowboys in Super Bowl X by a score of 21-17.
    Sexton was the third-highest player drafted in Elon history, taken in the fifth round. The only players who went higher were Rich McGeorge, a first-round choice of the Green Bay Packers in 1970 and Jimmy Smith, who was taken in the fourth round by the Washington Redskins in 1984.

    Sexton set an Elon record in 1971 when he intercepted five passes in one game vs. Gardner-Webb.

    Bob Spicer Sr.

    Spicer, a native of Richmond, Va., and a longtime Fayetteville resident after his baseball career was over, was among a trio of players drafted by the old Philadelphia Athletics before they relocated to Kansas City.
    During his high school days he played on a two-time state championship basketball in Newport News, Va. He later played semi-pro football in the Dixie League.

    Spicer made appearances with teams in Lumberton, Fayetteville, Macon and Springfield before spending a number of seasons in the Pacific Coast League with Los Angeles. His best pitch was a screwball, complemented by a knuckleball and a slider.

    One of his teammates in Los Angeles was the actor Chuck Connors of "The Rifleman" fame.

    One of his best years was with Macon in the South Atlantic League in 1949 when he compiled a 20-6 record with an earned run average of 2.73. He struck out 119 batters.
    In his lone season in Fayetteville, 1948, he was 18-4.

    In 1958, he won the Rawlings Silver Glove Award for his fielding.

    Spicer was also a successful billiards player who competed against legends like Willie Mosconi and Rudolf Wanderone Jr., better known as Minnesota Fats. In golf he was a one handicapper.
  • 06 01 Memorial auditorium and arenaSpectra Venue Management, the company that manages Fayetteville’s Crown Complex, has selected Conventions, Sports, and Leisure International to conduct a market analysis and feasibility study for a new venue to replace the Crown Theatre and Crown Arena. Memorial auditorium and arena will be closed in October 2022. The study will analyze and determine whether a new facility is feasible, and if so, its type, size and location. Results of the market analysis and feasibility study are expected by May of this year. The study is being paid for by Spectra Venue Management, utilizing funds that were set aside in its 2017 management agreement with Cumberland County. “We are excited for CSL to get started on this project,” Trent Merritt, Spectra’s regional vice president, said. CSL clients in North Carolina include Hickory Performing Arts Center; Keenan Stadium at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; the Charlotte Coliseum; and proposed venues in Wilmington and Mooresville. CSL will establish a date, time and location for public forums for those who wish to provide insight or feedback on the project.

    County extension of water lines to Grays Creek underway

    06 02 chemours2Several dozen Grays Creek residents were on hand at a county commission meeting this month when the board agreed to spend $376,000 for engineering work on a water line extension. The need for public water came to the surface two-and-a-half years ago when GenX, a potential carcinogen, was found in Grays Creek water wells. The culprit is the huge Chemours chemical plant on the Cumberland/Bladen County line. Chemours has provided bottled water and water filtration systems to some homes in the area. The project is a $10.5 million water line extension commissioners approved Jan. 6. GenX has also been reported in the Cape Fear River and in drinking water supplies of communities downstream from Chemours that get their water from the river. Residents claim the contamination has reduced property values and that Chemours should be held responsible for the cost of the water line extension.

    SBA provides loans for Hurricane Dorian repairs

    The U.S. Small Business Administration says Working Capital Disaster Loans are available to small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, businesses engaged in aquaculture and private nonprofit organizations in some North Carolina communities as a result of Hurricane Dorian on Sept. 6 - 10, 2019. Locally, loans are available in Cumberland, Bladen, Harnett and Hoke counties. The SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan program is available to eligible farm-related and nonfarm-related entities that suffered financial losses as a direct result of the hurricane. Disaster loans are not available to 06 03 hurricane dorin 2agricultural producers, farmers and ranchers. The loan amount can be up to $2 million with interest rates of 4% for small businesses and 2.75% for private nonprofit organizations, with terms up to 30 years. The SBA determines eligibility based on the size of the applicant, type of activity and its financial resources. These working capital loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills that could have been paid had the disaster not occurred. Applicants may apply online using the Electronic Loan Application via SBA’s secure website at Disaster loan information may also be obtained by calling the SBA’s Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955 or by sending an email to
    Fayetteville airport opens new concourse

    The new concourse features an open rotunda with large viewing windows, a new waiting area with in-seat charging stations and three new boarding gates. American Airlines is utilizing the new 06 04 Fayetteville Regional Airportconcourse, servicing its daily flights to and from Charlotte. The concourse will soon feature a new restaurant, which is expected to open in the spring. The facility is Phase 1 of a $45 million renovation project at Fayetteville Regional Project.
    “The opening of the new concourse is a big milestone for us,” said Airport Director Bradley Whited. “No major improvements have been made to the airport terminal since its opening in 1969.”
    Plans to start Phase 2 are already underway, including renovation of the front façade, a refreshed interior, a new TSA checkpoint, renovated ticketing and baggage wings and an updated second floor. Offering service to two major airline hubs, travelers have access to more than 230 one-stop destinations.

    Public countywide education program set

    A local state of education event scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 4, will shine a spotlight on various educational institutions in Cumberland County. During the event at J.W. Seabrook Auditorium on the campus of Fayetteville State University, participants will learn about major initiatives and strategic priorities in Cumberland County schools. Leaders from Fayetteville State, Methodist University and Fayetteville Technical Community College will also be featured. The program begins at 6 p.m.
    06 05 State of Education of CC 2 1200x496 copy
  • 15 valentinesA Hope Mills tradition, the annual 55+ Valentine’s Day luncheon, will be held Friday, Feb. 14, in the community room at the Hope Mills Recreation Center.

    The time will be from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. and the cost is $8 per person.

    All those interested in attending need to come to the front desk at the Hope Mills Recreation Center during regular business hours to sign up. This year’s event will be limited to 100 participants.

    “It’s an opportunity to come celebrate the holiday with music and a fully catered meal,’’ said Kasey Ivey of the Recreation and Parks department. Ivey said there is not a designated cutoff date for signing up for the luncheon, but those planning to attend are encouraged to sign up as soon as possible to avoid not being able to attend.

    The registration fee covers the meal, which will include two main dishes, two sides, rolls, desserts and drinks.

    The music will be provided by a disc jockey.
    This year’s event will feature a new catering service, Ivey said. After years of using Fred Chason’s Grandsons Buffet, which Ivey said has been wonderful, the Valentine’s Day luncheon will be changing to A Catered Affair by Chef Glenn and Company. Chef Glenn also operates The Diner in the former Becky’s Cafe, as well as two popular food trucks.

    Ivey said Chef Glenn has done several events for the town, including an event held after the swearing in of the new Board of Commissioners last December. Chef Glenn has also catered the Chamber of Commerce luncheon.

    Ivey said the new arrangement with Chef Glenn will include a carving station where people will be served as they go through the line instead of the self-service format from past Valentine’s Day luncheons.
    “I hope they will enjoy that,’’ Ivey said.

    If anyone has questions about this year’s 55+ Valentine’s Day Luncheon they can call the main number at the Hope Mills Recreation Center, 910-426-4109.

  • 10 dayne topkin cB10K2ugb 4 unsplashWomen have made many contributions to western music. The Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra is taking the initiative to recognize and celebrate women composers in its production of “Music She Wrote” Saturday, Feb. 8. This concert, held in the Seabrook Auditorium at Fayetteville State University, will feature pieces exclusively written by women.

    One of the women featured in this concert is Florence Price. Born in the late 1880s in Little Rock, Arkansas, Price is credited for being the first African-American woman composer. Her musical endeavors began at an early age under the guidance of her mother, who was a music teacher. At the age of 11, Price had her first composition published. She also had success in her academics and graduated at 14 with the title of valedictorian and later studied at the New England Conservatory of Music. During her lifetime, she worked as a music educator, organist and composer. Her Symphony No.1 in E minor can be heard at the FSO concert. The composition won first prize in the Rodman Wanamaker Competition in 1932.

    Another woman featured in the“Music She Wrote” program is Amy Beach. An American composer, Beach is considered to be the first American female composer of large scale art music. Also known as serious music, art music refers to any music derived from Western classical music. The FSO will honor her by performing her “Gaelic” symphony. The symphony premiered in 1896, performed by the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Beah was also a successful pianist who performed her works in the United States and Germany.

    The FSO also offers a unique opportunity to experience the music of a living composer. Anna Clyne currently resides in the United States. She is a Grammy-nominated contemporary English composer. Her compositions are known for their acoustic and electro-acoustic elements. She has had many accomplishments and has had pieces premiere at various music festivals, such as the 2019 Carrillo Festival of Contemporary Music. She has also served as an in-residence composer for various symphony orchestras, including the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, the Berkeley Symphony, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, and the L’ Orchestre national d’île-de-France. Her works “Masquerade” and “Seascape,” which is the second movement from her orchestral suite titled, “Abstractions,” are to be performed for this concert.

    Other women composers that will be featured in the concert are Ellen Taafe Zwillich, Joan Tower and Cecile Chaminade. The Fayetteville symphony promises an evening of empowerment, and listeners will be exposed to music created by intelligent and groundbreaking women.

    Visit or call 910-433-4690 for tickets and information.
  • 09 Picture1Once upon a time, not so far, far away, in the Land of Cape Fear Regional Theatre, fairytale creatures wove a mesmerizing story with song, dance, comedy, love, self-acceptance and, of course, a princess, a hero and a villain. In this magical place, also known as CFRT, the townspeople watched ever so closely as the landscape magically transformed from a kingdom into an ogre’s swampy home and then to an open field, a dragon’s keep with a tall-tower and so much more — right before their very eyes. In fact, the enchanted land was innovative and brilliant as  “Shrek: The Musical” unfolded upon the stage. There is still time to see it —  the play runs through Feb. 16 at CFRT.

    The characters within the performance have stupendous vocals — whether speaking, shouting at each other (did I mention the ogres or the dragon yet?) or singing. The show is choreographed by Sebastiani Romagnolo and music is directed by David Maglione. From their storybook homeland, to the spellbinding music, it’s clear the performers are engrossed in the story, and it reflects in the the performance.

    The audience travels along on a  journey with Shrek, played by Nicholas J. Pearson , Donkey, played by Marc De La Concha, Princess Fiona, played by Becca Vourvoulas and Lord Farquaad, played by Gabe Belyeu. The youth ensemble includes Zoi Pegues as Teen Fiona. Both Vourvoulas and Pegues appeared in CFRT’s production of “Annie” last season. It truly is an adventure for all involved. The townspeople’s involvement is not only welcomed, but expected.

    CFRT does not hold back when it comes to imaginary depiction of detailed characterizations for each and every part of their productions — especially with this particular story — “Shrek: The Musical.” The talented team members at CFRT are inventive visionaries.

    The first moment  audience members are received into the spellbinding world of Shrek and the others, they are whisked away on an eye-catching journey.

    The costuming was impressive. Each fairytale character or person had the accurate whimsical attire to perform their representation of their character and  bring this magical production to life.

    The harmonious movement in the choreography and dazzling execution of lighting and sound made an already incredible show that much more entertaining and engaging.

    In a nutshell, everything about this show is amazing. The outstanding vocals of the performers, the interaction with the audience and the characters, the moments when you will literally laugh out loud, the dynamic costumes, the dancing and movement on stage during the scenes, the props and music, all of it will not only grab your attention, but hold it throughout the show.

    Don’t miss this opportunity to take a trip to CFRT for this theatrical performance of “Shrek: The Musical.”

    There is still time to purchase tickets to see how the story plays out on stage. Visit for your entrance into a fairytale like no other!

  • 17 Parish House doorFew people are more qualified than Hope Mills commissioner Bryan Marley to speak on the situation involving the future of the town’s Parish House.

    In addition to being one of the newest members of the Board of Commissioners, Marley has dedicated his life to the job of firefighter, going back to 1991 when he joined the Pearce’s Mill fire department as a junior firefighter.
    From there, he moved on to jobs with the Hope Mills fire department and Cumberland County Emergency Services.

    Today, he works in Hoke County as emergency management director and fire marshall.

    Marley was one of three commissioners who recently voted to accept an offer from a demolition firm to raze the Parish House and free up the property for other pursuits he considers more viable for the town
    to pursue.

    His reasons for removing the Parish House, which although it is located in the Hope Mills historic district is not specifically listed in the National Registry of Historic Places as some claim, are rooted in fact, not politics.
    “In my opinion, the building is structurally unsafe,’’ Marley said. “It’s a life safety issue.’’

    Marley’s reasons to get rid of the Parish House go beyond the problems with the structure. He’s read all the reports that have been done by town staff and by people hired by the town to examine the structure.
    “There are reports of mold growing in the building,’’ he said. “That’s a respiratory hazard.’’

    The reports also indicate the structure is in danger of collapse.

    While he doesn’t think there’s an immediate threat to the town or its people, should the building fall or burn on its own, he called it an eyesore that does nothing to improve the aesthetics of the area where it’s located.
    To those who consider the building historic, Marley shares his personal experience as a resident of Hope Mills since his youth. “I’ve never heard of anybody talk about the historic Parish House,’’ he said. “I don’t see the great historical value there.’’

    But the price tag for making it usable is high, and Marley thinks the town has more critical projects that need town money than a building with questionable history.

    “We’ve got a new police and fire complex that we are trying to get off the ground,’’ he said. “We are looking at that being a $16.5 million project.’’

    There’s also a need to use the land where the Parish House is located to help with the parking situation downtown, especially for events at Hope Mills Lake and the long-planned Heritage Park.

    Something else Marley said people need to consider is the figures that have been quoted on the restoration of the Parish House are superficial, and will likely go higher should workers get inside the building and look for other problems.
    “If they find asbestos or lead paint, they’ve got to mitigate that,’’ he said. “Once you get into a project like that, the price goes up.’’

    Marley wouldn’t be surprised if the final number for bringing the Parish House back to life soared closer to $ 1million. “That’s a million dollars the town is taking out of the general fund,’’ he said. “They have to put that money back eventually.’’

    The only way to do that, Marley fears, is to increase taxes, and that’s something no elected official wants to discuss. “That conversation hasn’t come up,’’ he said, “but how are you going to recoup that money and be able to carry on the same level of service to the citizens that we are doing now?’’

    Marley stressed that he is not against preserving town history, adding that he’s fully committed to saving the Christ Episcopal Church building adjacent to the Parish House. He thinks the town can save the money it would spend on the Parish House renovation and use a smaller portion of it to complete repairs on the church, which is in far better condition.

    He thinks it’s a doable option to finish work on the proposed town museum and the church and have both ready for the town’s citizens to use by summer.

    “I’m not against town history or preservation,’’ he said. “We’ve just got to think common sense.’’

    Marley thinks the negativity about the history of the Parish House has gotten out of hand. He’d like to see people discuss the matter like adults. “I agree it’s an old building,’’ Marley said. “We just can’t sit here and continue to go like we’re going. It’s never going to get anything accomplished.’’

    He said that includes efforts some would like the town to pursue with Preservation North Carolina, which would reportedly restore the Parish House without costing the town valuable taxpayer money.

    But Marley doesn’t think the entire story is being told. “They take your building and property and market it for you,’’ he said. “They find private investors or companies to come in and they purchase your property.’’

    Once that’s done, Marley said the town no longer has direct control over the building or the property. Marley doesn’t want to surrender town use of a piece of premium property in the downtown area.
    “All the citizens I’ve talked to, the greater majority if they even know about the Parish House do not care and want to see it gone,’’ Marley said.

    “I’m trying to put the dollar figures out there and let people know. That’s my point. If you’re going to say one side of the story, say both sides of the story.’’

  • 13 LIVE CONCERT 1aThe Fayetteville Community Concert series put in a tall order for the midwinter 2020 show. The response? A show as big as Texas. Community Concerts brings singing sensation The Texas Tenors to the Crown Theater, Friday, Feb. 14,  at 7:30 p.m.

    The Emmy Award-winning vocalists rose to fame on “America’s Got Talent” in 2009. World renowned, The Texas Tenors are the most successful music group and third highest-selling artist in the history of the TV show. Now the tenor trio of John Hagen, Marcus Collins and JC Fisher are bringing their 10th Anniversary Tour to Fayetteville for a one-night performance.

    Community Concerts attractions director Michael Fleishman is excited to host The Texas Tenors in this 84th show season themed “It’s Showtime.” The Texas Tenors is the third hit attraction in the all-star concert line-up, coming after Chicago and Mannheim Steamroller’s stellar productions and ushering in The Four Tops and The Temptations combo March 6 and The Oakridge Boys May 21. Adding to the anticipation for The Texas Tenor performance is the concert date, a day as synonymous with love as the tenor voice is with romance.

    “This is the perfect Valentine’s Day show. Skip the restaurant lines and do this instead. From Bruno Mars, the Righteous Brothers and John Denver to country music and Broadway hits, The Texas Tenors are a nonstop wow,” said Fleishman.

    The versatile vocals of the trio make for a night of exciting entertainment. The 10th Anniversary Tour includes a collection of music from the past decade, including selections from the 2019 album “A Collection of Broadway & American Classics,” which debuted at #1 on the Billboard Classical Charts. The hit parade pinnacle is a second for the band, as their 2017 studio album “Rise” met the same acclaim. The Texas Tenors look forward to sharing their songs with Fayetteville fans.

    “We are excited about our upcoming Valentine’s Day concert at the Crown,” said Tenor Marcus Collins. “We’ve put together a special repertoire of some of our favorites but also what we feel are the most romantic love songs ever written. Of course, there will be a mix of our signature patriotic, country and classical songs as well.”

    Over the past decade, the classically trained tenors have performed more than 1,300 concerts around the U.S. and world, including headline shows in Las Vegas, Nevada; Branson, Missouri; China; and a 24-city tour in the United Kingdom. The Texas Tenors perform three different live concerts, “Rise: Live on Tour,” “Let Freedom Sing” and holiday favorite “Deep in the Heart of Christmas.” The 2019-20 10th Anniversary Tour celebrates the group’s success with hits fan love and brand-new music.

    With four studio albums, four DVD releases, two Public Broadcasting Service specials and multiple singles to date, their music appeals to all ages and blends many music genres, so much that they were named Billboard’s Magazine’s 2017 #10 Classical Crossover Artist in the World. The Texas Tenor music has roots in country, classical, opera and Broadway show tunes, and meets success in all venues from performing arts centers and casinos to symphony halls and outdoor festivals. The group even performs on cruise vacations, with private performances for members of their official and ever-growing fan club.

    In addition to collaborations with some of the more prestigious symphonies in the world, including the Houston Symphony, Pittsburg Symphony and The City of Prague Orchestra, the group has performed at the White House National Tree Lighting, Medal of Honor ceremonies, charity events, NBA games and the Professional Bull Riding World Finals in Las Vegas. Of special distinction is the fact that The Texas Tenors are among the top 50 artists from the AGT series invited to compete on the show’s NBC prime-time championship spin-off, “America’s Got Talent: The Champions” and the only U.S. vocal group invited to participate.

    Beyond music, Hagen, Collins and Fisher are also published authors. Winner of the 2015 Gelett Burgess Award for Excellence in Children’s Literature, “Ruckus on the Ranch” is the inaugural picture book from The Texas Tenors, a western-themed read about playful ranch critters. A six-song CD of accompanying music for “Ruckus on the Ranch” accompanies the book. The Texas Tenor’s second and newest book, “Moon’s on Fire,” is soon to be released and is a sequel to “Ruckus.” It also comes with a CD and features “The Cowboy Lullaby” for the youngest fans.

    The men that make up The Texas Tenors are as varied as the music they sing. John Hagen, referred to simply as “The Tenor,” has an extensive classical background, while Marcus Collins, “The Contemporary Tenor,” has a past that includes TV and film work. JC Fisher, aka “The Romantic Tenor,” is the group’s founder who grew up singing in church. Collectively, their influences include artists from the modern, classical, spiritual and operatic traditions.

    A member of The Texas Tenor fan club, Francene Taylor lives in Havelock, North Carolina, but plans to travel to Fayetteville for the Feb. 14 special. She has seen the group over 70 times and in states ranging from North Carolina and New Jersey to Missouri and Arizona, including two cruise concerts. For her, and other devoted fan club members, traveling to see their favorite band is not a problem.

    “Wherever they go,” said Taylor, “people just gravitate to them. I know we do.”

    Hooked on The Texas Tenors since the first AGT broadcast, Taylor described their personalities, not only musicality, as “magnetic.”

    “Each of the Tenors brings something special to the trio, and each has unique character. But when they combine, watch out! They are also very audience-oriented; the guys draw the crowd into every performance. Even though I have seen them many times, each performance is unique, and they never do exactly the same show twice.”

    To buy single-show tickets to The Texas Tenor performance, visit the Crown box office in person, the Cape Fear Tix website online or call 1-888-267-6208. For season memberships, see

  • 16 town hall For the fifth consecutive year, the town of Hope Mills is preparing to conduct its annual Citizens  Academy program. Designed to teach town citizens the basics of local government and administration, it was created by current town manager Melissa Adams.

    This year’s sessions will begin on Tuesday, Feb. 11, and continue for eight consecutive weeks, with the final session scheduled for Thursday, March 17. That’s the only session that won’t be on a Tuesday and was necessary to mesh with the fire department’s schedule.

    After the opening session, which will introduce the participants to all the department heads from the town, each session will deal with a specific area of town administration or government. The initial session will include an explanation of the town’s council-manager form of government and the roles of the members of the Board of Commissioners.

    The departments involved include police, fire, parks and recreation, planning and zoning inspection, infrastructure and public works, finance and budgeting, stormwater and town hall administration.

    Most of the classes are held at the department being studied that week, with hands-on opportunities to work with some of the equipment like the police and fire departments use, among others.

    In the session on town finances, each participant will get a chance to craft a budget for the town.

    All those interested in taking part need to complete the online registration form at and email it to town clerk Jane Starling at It can also be faxed to 910-424-4902. The program is limited to a maximum of 15 people to allow more individual attention and to make touring the various locations where the class is held easier.

    The usual cutoff for applications is the Friday before the first class, which this year will fall on Feb. 7.

    A graduation ceremony for all participants is scheduled on Thursday, April 2, at a meeting of the Hope Mills Board of Commissioners. Each member of the class will receive a plaque from the town for completing the course.
    If you have questions about the program, call Starling during regular business hours at 910-426-4113.

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